These men served with the conquistador Nuno de Guzman. The expedition set out for Nueva Galicia (parts of Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco and Zacatecas) in 1530. Many of these men became wealthy land owners and settled in the area. Guzman, Nuno Beltran de - Member of King Charles V's personal guard. Became Govenor of Panuco upon arrival in Mexico in 1527. He had no prior experience in the Indies. After the conquest of Nueva Galicia he became Govenor of that province in 1531. Eventually he was jailed in Mexico City for for his cruelty to Indians then he was recalled to Spain where he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. There was no record of him ever marrying. An article on "Bloody Guzman" Book reference: "Nuno de Guzman and the Province of Panuco in New Spain, 1518-1533" by Donald E. Chipman.
List of Men Who Served in Nueva Galicia With Guzman
Acedo, JuanSevilla1522Antonio de CalvoInes de AcedaDau. of Pedro Martin Aguado
Acevedo, Fernando deToledo1528Diego de GomezLuisa Acevedo
Aguayo, Antonio deValladolid1530Martin de AguayoCatalina de Ledesma
Aguilar, ?
Aguirre, Santiago de
Alaejos, Juan deAlaejos1524Alonso MonjarrasMaria Castejon
Albornoz, Juan deToledo1524Rodrigo de AlbornozJuana de Castro
Alcaraz, Diego de
Alcaraz, Juan
Allende, Diego de Rueda
Almendez, Pedro Chirinos
Almesto, Juan
Alonso, LuisMalaga1527Juan Perez ChaconMariana Sanchez(Married......Simon)
Alvaez, Pedro
Alvarez, Alonso
Alvarado, Juan deBadajoz1524Garcia de AlvaradoBeatriz de Tordoya
Alvarez, MelchiorCuenca1527Garcia AlvarezCatalina Delgado
Angulo, Jose de
Angulo, Maximiliano
Arceo, Francisco de
Armentia, Pedro de
Arquillada, Antonio de
Arroyo, Alvaro
Arteaga, Domingomarried
Avila, Alonso
Azedo, Juan
Azevedo, Hernando
Azevedo, Hernando de
Baeza, Juan de
Barrios, Cristoval deSevilla1527Catalina de Morillo
Barron, FranciscoDaughter of Licenciado de la Torre, 4 children, oldest was a namesake
Bautista, Juan
Bazan, Pedro deBadajoz1522Catalina de Albornoz
Benavente, Sebastian de
Benitez, Martin
Berea, Juan
Bobadilla, Pedro deEstremaduraMaria Bobadilla w/2 children
Bocanegro, Fernan Perez deCordoba1526Juan de ProanoAna Cervantes
Botello, Hernando
Borgona, Juan deFrance1525Fel. Guion ArcheroSimona Simontamarried w/1 child
Borrallo, Juan de
Bracamontes, Alvaro de
Broallo, Juan dePortugal1524Alonso Perez CortinasCatarina Yanez de Limon(Married 1534)
Bullon, Sancho deAvila1527Francisco de BullonMaria de la Torre
Burgos, Juan deBurgos1520
Cabezon, Cristoval deCuidad Real1519Pedro CabezonElvira Ruiz
Caceres, Manuel
Calero, Diego
Camino, Juan delMontanesMagdalena Alvarado
Carolo, Antonio de
Carranza, Francisco de
Carranza, Pedro de
Casado, Juan
Casas, Antonio de las
Castaneda, Alonso de
Castaneda, Diego de
Castaneda, Juan deVilla Zebil1527Juan Gonzales de PiedrahitaMaria Castaneda
Castano, Luis
Castellon, ?
Castilla, Luis deValladolid1530Pedro de CastillaFrancisca OsorioJuana de Sosa
Castilleja, Pedro de
Castillo, Antonio de
Cebrero, Lazaro de
Cerezo, Gonzalo
Chavarria, Bartolome
Chirino, Hernando de
Colio, DiegoCabralesPedro Diaz del PalmarJuana Fernandez CangasSpanish woman
Contreras, AlonsoBurgosGarcia de ContrerasMaria de Lema
Cordero, Alonso
Cordero, Pedro
Coria, Diego de
Cornejo, FernandoSalamanca1527Alvaro CornejoAna Maldonadowife and 2 children
Cria, Miguel
Cuadrado, PedroGuadalajara1527Pedro CuadradoMaria de Villavera
Davila, Juan
Delgadillo, FranciscoToledo1528Juan DelgadilloInes VellosillasIsabel de Avalos (3 children)
Delgado, JuanSevilla1523Francisco MoronMarina SanchezMarried they had 3 children
Despinar, Miguel
Destrada, Salvador
Diaz, GregorioBalajoz1528Diego FernandezCatalina Sanchez
Diaz, MarcosToledo1528Fernando MarquezMaria Gutierrez
Duero, Licenciado ?
Duran, JuanBadajoz1527Garcia DuranCatalina Sanchez
Ebora, SebastianPortugal1520Luis Mendez de Basconcelos(?) de Abrio
Escalente, Hernando
Espinar, Miguel deSegovia1527Martin MontanesCatalina de los Munotos
Esquival, N.
Estrada, Bartolome de
Fernandez, Alonso deBadajoz1527A. Sanchez de MoralesIsabel de Silosa
Fernandez, Juan
Fernandez de Hijar, JuanZaragosa1524Diego Fernandez de IjarBeatriz de SellanMaria Xaramillo of Zafra, Extremadura
Fernandez de Hijar, ManuelZaragosa1529 Diego Fernandez de Ijar Beatriz de Sellan
Figueroa, Benito
Flores, Cristobal
Flores, HernandoSalamanca1528Pedro de FuentesCatalina FloresMarried dau. Lic. Diego Perez de la Torre
Frances, Juan
Galeote, ?
Galeote, Anton
Gallego, JuanOrense1523Rodrigo de ParadaMaria de Parada
Gallegos, Juan
Garcia, BartolomeCaceres1525Garcia FleiroMariana Jimenez
Garcia, Miguel
Garnica, Pedro
Gavilla, Pedro
Gil, TomeCaceres1527Juan de VillagrasLeonor Alvarezwife and 4 children
Godoy, ?
Gomez, Alonso
Gomez, Pero
Gonzalez, ? Dominguez
Gonzalez, Alonso
Gonzalez, BartolomePortugal1523Gonzalo PerezClara Perez
Gonzalez, Cristobal
Gonzalez, Esteban
Gonzalez, Ruy
Gueita, Pedro
Guillen, Francisco
Guipuzcoano, Rodrigo
Gutierrez, Alonso
Gutierrez, AlvaroCaceres1528
Gutierrez, Sancho
Guzman, Rodrigo deToledo1528Alonso Nunez de GuzmanJuana Ferreira
Herrador, Bartolome
Hidalgo, Juan
Holguin, Diego
Huerta, Pedro de
Hurbina, Juan
Hurtado, Diego deMadrid1528Rodrigo HurtadoInes de TapiaMarried dau. Conquistador of Hispanola
lbarra, Diego de (b. 1502)Eibar, Gp.1535Francisco de lbarraMarina Perez de Maro.(?) de Mendoza
Infante, Juan de
Legarde, Martin de
Lemos, Juan deFrance1526Moncior ProvetesitonLorenza de Breza
Lespe, Pedro de
Lipparia, Nicolas (or Francisco)
Lobon, ?
Lopez, Alonso
Lopez, Andres
Lopez, Bartolome
Lopez, Diego
Lopez, GonzaloSevilla
Lopez, Juan Patino
Lopez, MartinSeville1519Cristobal Diaz de NaricesEstefania RodriguezInes Ramirez of Seville d.1529 & Juana Hernandez of Seville
Lorenzo, AlonsoCaceres1524Alonso LorenzoMarina Sanchezwife and children
Lorenzo, Bartolome
Madaleno, JuanSevilla1525Antonio Rodriguez VanegasAna de RamirezMaria de Anguiano
Maldonado, Bravo
Maldonado, CristovalBurgos1528Ruy Lopez MaldonadoLeonor Rodriguez
Marcos, Pedro
Martin, Alonso de RiveraLoa (Estremadura)1529Juan SarmientoMaria Sanchezwife and children
Martin, Estaban
Martin, Francisco
Mateo, Pedro
Mayorga, Cristoval deZamora1529Juan MayorgaBeatriz Coco
Mazo, Diego de
Medina, Jose
Medina, Lope de
Mejia, ?
Mejia, Alonso
Mendoza, Diego de
Mendoza, Francisco de
Mendoza, Juan de
Michel, JuanPortugalDiego de San MartinElvira OrdonezCatalina Mena (widow of Fsc. de la Mota
Moge, Martin
Mogollon, Martin
Montiveros, Melchior
Mota, Francisco deBurgosCatalina de Mena
Munoz, Benito
Munoz, Juan
Munoz, Sebastian
Naco, Diego de
Najera, Pedro
Napolitano, Luis
Nunez, Andres
Nunez, Diego de BaezaSevilla1526Francisco de BaezaBeatriz de Baeza(Married in Mex. City 1535)
Nunez, Pedro deBurgos1525Alonso Munoz, Master of RoaCatarina BermudezMaria de Chaves
Ojeda, Juan deLogrono1523Gonzalo de OjedaMaria de Samaniegowife and 3 children
Olasso, Pedro
Oliver, Antonio deCuidad Real1523Luis OliverCatalina de la Torre
Onate, Cristoval de (b. 1504)Onate, Gp.1524Juan Perez de OnateOsana GonzalezCatalina de Salazar
Onate, Juan deOnate, Gp.1529Juan Perez de Onate Osana Gonzalez
Ontiveros, Melchior deAvila1529Franco de la ReinaElena Canelas
Orozco, Diego de
Orozco, Juan de VillasenorVelez1523Alcalde Diego de BurgosGuiomar de OrozcoDau. of Lionel de Cervantes
Ortiz, Diego de Zuniga
Ortiz, Inigo de ZunigaSevilla1530Inigo de ZunigaFrancisca Bravo Lagunas(Dau. of Alvaro Gallego)
Ortiz, Sancho de Zuniga
Ortiz, JuanCaceres1523Ortiz, JuanBeatriz Jimenez
Pacheco, ? Caceres1529Francisco de ChavesLeanor Cabrera de Sosa
Palencia, Fernando dePalencia1529Fernando VillagasMaria de Mena(Daughter of Alonso Lopez)
Pandilla, Amado de la
Parada, Martin de la
Pasqual, JuanZamora1521Juan RaposoMaria Pasqual(married in 1547)
Pena, ?
Peradina, Juan
Perez, Alvar
Perez, BartolomeBadajoz1527Gonzalez G. de la CalleFrancisca Sanchez(Wife and child noted, 1545)
Perez, Hernan de Bocanegra
Perez, JuanSantander
Pilar, Garcia del
Pinzon, GinesPalos1519Francisco HernandezCatalina Martin PinzonaMarried no children
Pinzon, JuanPalos1519Ginesa Lopez (3 children)
Placencia, Pedro deSevilla1525Alvaro PlacenciaCostanza Fernandez de Oviedomarried
Prado, ?
Proano, Diego deSevilleJuan de ProanoAna de Cervantes
Quintana, Juan
Quintanilla, Juan de
Quintero, Cristobal
Quintero, Francisco
Ramirez, Garcia
Ramirez, Gonzalo
Ramon, DiegoSevilla1528Pedro GomezMaria Fernandez MontesdoDau. of Juan Perez de Arteaga
Rivera, ?
Rivera, Alvaro
Roa, Master of
Rodriguez, Francisco
Rodriguez, Juan
Romero, Cristoval deCordoba1519Juan RomeroLeonor Gutierrez(Children, 3 sons, 6 daughters)
Rueco, Cristobal
Ruiz, ? Palanche
Ruiz, Hernan de Ovalle
Ruiz, Hernando de la Pena
Ruiz, Juan
Ruiz, Martin de Monjarras
Ruiz, Pedro de Haro
Salamanca, Juan
Saldana, Francisco
Samano, Juan deBurgos1522Fernando de SamanoSancha Sanchez de OrpinaBrianda de Quinones
Samaniego, Lope deSegovia1524
San Juan, Alonso deGranada1530Martin San Juan
Sanchez, Bartolome
Sanchez, Juan
Sanchez de Olea, JuanValladolid1527Pedro Sanchez de Olea Ines de BelmonteBeatriz Hernandez (Widow of Juan Romero)
Santos, Francisco Azevedo
Sarmiento, Hernando de
Segler, Diego de
Sepulveda, Cristobal
Soto, Juan
Subia, Andres de
Tapia, Cristobal de
Tapia, Gaspar deAvila1523Diego de TapiaInes Gutierrez de Altamirano(dau. of Hernan Ruiz de la Pena)
Tapia, Hernando de
Tellez, Diego deCaceres1523Pedro Tello Maria Diaz
Tellez, Juan
Tolosa, Joanes deQuetaria, Gp.1533Leonor de Cortes
Tordesillas, Pedro deValladolid1523Pedro de TurencioJuana Rodriguez
Toro, Pedro de
Torquemada, Baltazar
Torres, Diego
Tovar, Alvaro deBurgos1529
Tovar, Fernando deBurgos1520
Tovar, Pedro deLeon1529Fernando de TovarFernanda de Guzman
Trujillo, Alonso
Ulloa, Diego de
Urbina, Juan deZuazo, Victoria1529Ortiz de GuiluzMarina de Urbina(Married in 1547) Spanish wife & 3 children
Valderrama, MiguelLas Brozas, Caceres1526Miguel de ValderramaJuana GutierrezMarried widow of Conq. Gaspar Davila
Valencia, Martin de
Valiente, AlonsoHuelva1523Francisco Martin BuenoElvira Jimenez Valiente
Valle, Hernando
Varela, GonzaloPortugal1530
Vazquez, ?
Vazquez, Diego de BuendiaCastillaMarried sister of Juan Michel 7 children
Velazquez, Antonio de Narvaez
Veneziano, Pedro
Verdugo, Francisco
Villa, Martin
Villas, ?
Villagran, ?
Villalba, Juan deSantander1525Juan Lopez de Bribe
Villagomez, Juan deZamora1522Rodrigo de VillagomezIsabel de Angulo
Villalba, Juan
Villanueva, Alonso de
Villanueva, Tomas de
Villaroel, Antonio deMedina de Rioseco1520Leonor de Villarroel
Viscayno, Juan
Ximon, Rodrigo
Yanez, Juan
Zaldivar, Juan deQuetaria, Gp.Ruy Diaz de ZaldivarMarina Perez de OnateMaria de Mendoza
Zaldivar, Vicente deQuetaria, Gp. 1534Ruy Diaz de Zaldivar Marina Perez de OnateMagdalena de Mendoza
Zallas, ?
Zamorano, Pedro
Zubia, Juan deGuipuzcoa1521Gonzalo de GuevarraMaria de Zubia(Married in 1547) wife 3 children
* Source of the above names: Duaine, Carl Laurence. "With All Arms A Study of a Kindred Group" 
Edinburg, Texas: New Santander Press, 1987.

Biographies (a work in progress)
Acedo, Juan - Father of 1 son and 2 daughters. His father in law is listed as a conquistador. Aguayo, Antonio - Antonio's brother Lor de Aguayo served and died under Cortes in the Conquest of Mexico. They were from Portillo Valladolid. Albornoz - This name originated in 1177 when Fernan Gomez de Aza took part in the conquest of Cuenca and was rewarded with lands and the small town of Albornoz, from which the family then took its name. Albornoz, Juan - Settled in Oaxaca where he became alguacil mayor and regidor. Albornoz, Rodrigo de - Secretary to the King and appointed Accountant of the Royal Treasury of New Spain (Mexico) in 1524. His assistant was the young Cristobal de Onate. They came to Mexico together. Advised the King to relieve Cortes of the Governership which he did but Cortes was made Marquis and allowed to explore the Pacific Coast of Mexico as compensation. Bazan, Pedro de - Rodrigo de Albornoz brought his niece from Spain to marry Pedro. Castilla, Luis de - A direct descendant of King Pedro I and dona Juana de Castro. Arrived in Mexico at the age of 28 and had already been to war against the French and in the Comunero Revolt. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters. One son being don Pedro de Castilla. Contreras, Alonso - Settled in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Married a woman from Castilla. They had 3 sons and 7 daughters. One son Alonso married the grand-daughter of the Conquistador Lionel de Cervantes. Delgadillo, Francisco - Settled in Guadalajara. A son by the name of Luis took over his holdings upon his death. Fernandez de Hijar - Juan was a captain. Descendants of the House of Aragon. Related to the dukes of Hijar with rights to the "senorio de Riglos". Many descendants live in the area of Nueva Galicia today. Juan was also a Conquistador of Cipot., Michoacan, Colima, and Motin. He was a founder of the village of Purificacion where he was Royal Governor (Alcalde Mayor). He was on the records there in 1547. Juan's brother Manuel was a early settler of Compostela in 1531. Both were from the town of Epila in Zaragoza. Garcia, Bartolome - Settled in Guadalajara. Married and had 4 children. Guzman, Rodrigo de - Came to Mexico from Spain with his father and brother. His father died enroute. Rodrigo left for Spain in 1544. Hurtado, Diego de - His full name was Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. Settled in Guadalajara. Married the daughter of a conquistador of the Island of Espanola. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Ibarra, Diego de - Silver millionaire of Zacatecas. Uncle of Francisco Ibarra the most noted conquistador, explorer, and colonizer of the province he named "Nueva Vizcaya" (Durango to the south, Sinoloa to the west, Southern Chihuahua on the north and Nuevo Leon to the east) after his home district in Spain. Francisco went on his first venture at the age of Sixteen and died at the age of 36 in 1575. Lopez, Diego - He took part in the Coronado Expedition. One of the first settlers of Guadalajara in 1535. Maldonado, Cristoval - He took part in the Coronado Expedition. Mayorga, Cristoval de - He took part in the Coronado Expedition. Mota, Francisco de - Died in the Mixtec rebellion. Had 3 children. Nunez, Pedro de - He and his father settled in Mexico City. His father in law was conqueror Hernando de Chaves. Pedro had 3 sons and a daughter and 3 natural daughters. Oliver, Antonio de - Married but had no children. Onate, Cristoval de - Arrived in Mexico in 1524 and was an official in Mex. City in 1526. He was joined by nephews Juan de Zaldivar Onate (took part in the Coronado Expedition) in 1529 and Vicente de Zaldivar Onate in 1534. The two families helped found Zacatecas in 1548, becoming rich mine owners and ranchers. These individuals figured prominently in the Mixtec War. Cristoval and his wife had 7 children. A son of Cristoval de Onate was Juan de Onate. Juan lead an expedition to settle New Mexico in 1598. Food was scarce and many illegally deserted. They settled on the site they named San Gabriel de los Espanoles. In 1610 the colonists were moved to Santa Fe. Onate, Juan de - Left for Peru in 1537. Orozco, Juan de Villasenor - Ultimately settled in Ciudad Michoacan with his wife Catalina Cervantes. They had 5 children. One being a namesake son. Placencia, Pedro de - Settled in Guadalajara. Ramon, Diego - Settled in Guadalajara with his wife, son and 2 daughters. Samano, Juan de - Had 3 sons and 4 daughters. Had a namesake son and a grandson by the name of Juan de Samano Turcios. Sanchez de Olea, Juan - Went to Florida with Narvaez and came to Mexico with Alonso de Estrada. Settled in Guadalajara. Married the daughter of a Conquistador. Tapia, Gaspar de - Cousin of Cortes through his Altamirano side. Came to Mexico with his relation Juan Gutierrez de Altamirano. Tolosa, Joanes de - Married the daughter of Cortes and dona Isabel (the daughter of Montezuma). Found the original mine in Zacatecas and later, ones in Durango, Sombrete, Llerena and elsewhere. Tovar, Alvaro de - Don Alvaro was of "the house of the Duke of Lerma" and was a founder of Compostela, Mexico in 1531. Related to Don Pedro and Don Fernado de Tovar, all of Tovar, Burgos Spain. Tovar, Fernando de - It was said he also participated in the Conquest of Mexico with Cortes. Don Fernando was related to both Don Alvaro and Don Pedro de Tovar who were both Conquistadors of Nueva Galicia. He was also a founder of Compostela, Mexico in 1531. Tovar, Pedro de - Part of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's expedition. Villagomez, Juan de - Arrived in Mexico with his brother, Antonio. Juan also served in entradas to Oaxaca and the west coast of Mexico. He settled in Mexico City.