These men served with the Captain General Juan de Onate. The expedition was to be one of the discovery, conquest, conversion and settlement of the provinces of New Mexico. Onate, Juan de - Basque From: Zacatecas, Mexico. Parents: Cristobal de Onate and Catalina de Salazar. His family owned rich silver mines. He married Isabel de Tolosa, granddaughter of Cortes and Great granddaughter of Montezuma. They had 2 children. A son: Cristobal de Naharriondo Perez Onate y Cortes Moctezuma and a daughter: Maria de Onate y Cortes Moctezuma. Biography of Juan de Onate. The governor, Don Juan de Onate, passed in review in full armor. That is to say, he had helmet, beaver, coat of mail, cuisses of mail, sword and harquebus; his horse was armed in buckskin, bullhide or calfskin. He appeared before Francisco de Esquivel, commissary, and reviewed and inspected the following soldiers and settlers to New Mexico, February 1597, January 1598 and reinforcements August 1600. More on the Onate Expedition. A comprehensive Chronology of the Expedition.
List of Men Who Were Part of the Onate Expedition
Acosta, Sancho deNative of the city of Tavora in the kingdom of Portugal, the son of Alfonso Baez de Acosta, with complete armor, except for cuisses, and headpiece for the horse.
Aguilar Inojosa, Pablo deCaptain, son of Juan de Hinojosa Valderrama, native of Ecija, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 36 years of age. The AGUILAR EXPEDITION
Algecira, Francisco deAlferez, son of Licentiate Diego de Algeciro Ricaldo, 20 years old, of good features, light bearded.
Alonso, DiegoThis Juan Larious presented for the said Diego Alonso, his father, who was absent, a coat of armor, beaver, and an armored horse, the latter ridden by a servant. The governor certified that he had granted him permission to go to Zacatecas.
Alonso, JuanSoldier, son of Juan Mendez, native of the city of Seville, of good stature, heavy bearded, 24 years old.
Alvarez de Aviles, JuanNative of Aviles in the principality of Asturias in Oviedo, son of Fernan Alvarez de Lanillo, with complete armor for himself and horse, except cuisses.
Alvarez Canela, DomingoNative of Villanueva de Portimao in Portugal, son of Alvaro Canela, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Araujo, Luis deSon of Juan Lopez de Araujo, native of the city of Orense in Castile, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 30 years of age.
Arechuleta, Asensio deSon of Juanes de Arechuleta, native of Ybar, of medium stature, black bearded, a small scar on his forehead, 26 years of age.
Arguellas, Bartolome deNative of the city of Mexico, son of Sebastian de Arguelles, with complete armor for himself.
Argumedo, Luis deNative of Jerez de la Frontera, son of Juan de Argumedo, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Arias, PedroNative of the nimes of San Andres, son of Pedro Arias, with complete armor for himself and horse, except cuisses.
Aviles, CristobalNative of Las Montanas de Oviedo in Castile, son of Diego Lopez de Aviles, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ayardi, Diego deSon of Bartolome de Ayardi, native of Guadalajara in New Spain, tall chestnut colored beard, pock-marked, a bruised finger on the left hand.
Balmaseda, Juan deNative of the town of Balmaseda in La Montana, son of Gabriel de Balmaseda, with complete armor for himself and horse, and an additional coat of mail.
Barrios, Alvaro deSon of Louis Gonzalez, native of Coimbra, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, a scar on the right side, 26 years of age.
Bautista Ruato, JuanCaudillo, a native of Tenerife, legitimate son of Amador Balez, of medium stature, of good features, blue eyed, red faced, heavy bearded, 30 years of age.
Benavides, Diego deAlferez, native of the city of Salamanca in Castile, son of Licentiate Antonio de Benavides, chief waiter of the governor, with full armor for himself and horse.
Benitez de Acebo, BernabeSon of Andres Benitez Hidalgo, native of Alcazar de Caceres, 20 years old, tall, swarthy
Benjumea, Sebastian deSon of Gonzalo Fernandez Benhumea, 18 years of age.
Blandin, DiegoSon of Diego Gonzalez, native of Coimbra, of good stature, partly gray, more than 40 years of age.
Brito, Cristobal deSon of Triminez de la Calle, native of the island of Palma, tall, black bearded, 25 years old.
Brondate, JoseCaptain, native of the city of Calatayud in Aragon, son of Clemente Gregorio Brondate, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, more than 25 years of age with a complete corselet, embossed and golden, and buckskin or bullhide armor for his horse.
Bustillo, Simon deSon of Juan Perez de Bustillo, native of Mexico, of medium stature, swarthy, scanty beard, freckled, 22 years of age.
Cabrera, Juan deNative of Monterrey in Galicia, son of Juan Cabrera, with complete armor for himself only. He is married and is taking his five children.
Cadino, FranciscoSon of Pedro Cadino, native of the town of Sailices de los Gallegos, of good stature, black bearded, freckled, 36 years of age.
Camacho, JuanCaptain Gregorio Cesar appeared for Juan Camacho, native of the town of Cartaya in the Condado of Niebla, of good stature, gray bearded, 50 years of age, son of Antonio Sanchez, and under oath declared that Juan Camacho was found leagues away from this camp with a wagon of supplies for the friars. He presented three complete sets of armor for himself and a complete set for his horse. He is taking along a son.
Campos, Francisco deNative of the town of Ayamonte in Andalucia, son of Juan Machado, with complete armor for himself.
Cardenas, Bartolome deFrancisco Miguel, servant of Captain Bartolome de Cardenas, appeared in his name and presented a complete set of armor for the captain and his horse. The governor certified that he had granted him permission to be absent.
Carrasco, MartinSoldier, of Captain Gregorio Cesar, native of Zacatecas, of medium stature, red bearded, 30 years of age, son of Martin Carrasco, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Carrera, Gonzalo de laSon of Lope de la Carrera, native of Alcala de Henares, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, 25 years of age.
Casas, Bernabe de lasNative of the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, son of Miguel de las Casas, tall black bearded, 25 years of age, with a coat of mail, harquebus, and a servant with all other armor for himself and horse.
Caso Barahona, Juan deNative of Mexico, son of Sancho de Barahona, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Castellanos, Diego deSon of Domingo de Castellanos, native of Puebla de Los Angeles, of medium stature, beardless, of good features, 18 years old.
Castilla, DiegoSon of Juan de Castilla, native of Seville, tall, beardless, cross-eyed, 19 years of age.
Castillo, Alonso delNative of the town of Torrijos in Alcarria in Castile, son of Pedro del Castillo, with complete armor for himself.
Castillo, Diego delNative of the town of Torrija in Castile, son of Pedro del Castillo, with complete armor for himself.
Catalan, JuanNative of Barcelona, son of Antonio de la Cruz, reddish beard, 32 years of age, with a scar on the right arm.
Cazo Baraona, Juan delNative of Mexico, son of Sancho de Baraona, 50 years of age, gray bearded.
Cerdan, ToribioNative of Valladolid in Old Castile, son of Toribio Cerdan, page of the maese de campo, with full armor for himself and horse.
Cesar, GregorioCaptain, native of Cadiz, 40 years of age, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, son of Cesar Cessar, with complete armor for himself and horse, and in addition four sets of armor for himself and horse and four jineta saddles. He is taking his wife, three sons and one daughter; and five female and three male servants.
Chacon, GregorioNative of the town of San Bartolome, son of Juan de la Parra, with complete armor for himself and horse, except cuisses.
Conde, AntonioSon of Antonio Conde de Herrera, native of Jerez de la Frontera, tall, beardless, 18 years of age.
Conde de Herrera, AntonioCaptain, sargento mayor of these reinforcements, a native of Jerez de la Frontera in the kingdom of Castile, the son of Gines de Herrera Corta.
Condoma Fenana, Juan deNative of Zacatecas, son of Alexandro Griego, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is going as field captain.
Conte de Herrera, AntonioNative of Jerez de la Frontera, son of Antonio Conte de Herrera, with full armor for himself and horse.
Correa, RodrigoNative of Tavira in Portugal, son of Pedro Yanez, with harquebus and horse. The governor promised to furnish him with all other armor for himself and horse.
Cortes, JuanNative of the town of Zaleamea de la Serena in Estramadura, son of Juan Martinez Cortes, with complete armor for himself.
Cortes, MarcosThe same Captain Juan Moreno de la Rua appeared for Marcos Cortes, native of the town of Salamea in Estremadura, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, a wart on the right cheek, 30 years of age, brother of the said Juan Cortes, already listed, son of Juan Martinez Cortes and he presented his complete armor for man and horse. He said that he was absent with the governor's permission.
Cruz, Juan de laNative of Barcelona, son of Anton de la Cruz, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Cruz, Juan de laSon of Juan Rodriguez, native of the valley of Toluca, swarthy, quadroon, beardless, tall, 19 years of age.
Diaz, ManuelSon of Manuel Diaz, native of Talavera, beardless, of good stature, heavy set, 20 years of age
Diaz de Castro, DiegoNative of the city of Cadiz, son of Pedro Diaz de Castro, with complete armor for himself and horse. The governor gave him the armor for the horse.
Diaz de la Pena, FranciscoSon of Francisco Diaz de la Pena, native of the city of Toledo, beardless, blue eyed, short of stature, 18 years old.
Diez, DiegoSon of Diego Diez, native of Havana, 18 years old, heavy set, beardless.
Dominguez, PedroNative of San Luca la Mayor, son of Alonso Perez de Varrionuevo, with armor for himself only.
Donis, FranciscoCaptain, legitimate Son of Gaspar Donis, native of the city of Los Angeles, a scar on his forehead, of good stature, rough bearded, 33 years old.
Escalante, Felipe deCaptain, native of the town of Laredo in Castile, son of Juan de Escalante Castillo, short of stature, heavy set, swarthy, partly gray, 47 years of age, with complete armor for himself and horse. That is to say, coat of armor, cuisses, beaver of mail, casque, sword, and harquebus for himself, and for his horse a complete armor of buckshin and calfskin or bullhide.
Escarramad, don JuanSon of don Juan Escarramad, native of the city of Murcia, of small stature, cross-eyed, chestnut colored beard, 26 years of age.
Escobar Candamo, Alonso deNative of the town Villamartin de Campos in Old Castile, son of Alonso de Escobar, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Espinosa, Marcelo deCaptain, native of the town of Madrid, son of Antonio de Espinosa, well built, chestnut colored beard, 21 years of age, with similar armor for himself and horse.
Farfan de los Godos, MarcosCaptain, native of the city of Seville, son of Gines Farfan de los Godos, with an harquebus and a servant, and with all other armor for man and horse. CAPTAIN FARFAN AND HIS FORGOTTEN TRAIL
Fernandez, AntonioSon of Francisco Simon, native of the city of Braga, tall, of good features, 35 years old.
Fernandez, JuanNative of the town of Talavera de la Reina in the archbishopric of Toledo, son of Franciso Hernandez Merillos, with two coats of mail, a beaver and harquebus.
Fernandez, PedroNative of Mexico, son of Francisco Fernandez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Fernandez Benhumea, GonzaloSon of Gonzalo Fernandez de Benhumea, native of Pueblo de Cazalla, partly gray hair, short of stature, 53 years old.
Fernandez de la Vanda, GonzaloSon of Gonzalo Fernandez Benhumea, light bearded, 20 years of age.
Ferrara, ManuelSon of Manuel Ferrara de Figueroa, native of Puebla de los Angeles in New Spain, well built and of good features, light bearded, slender 20 years old.
Figueroa, Gregorio deSon of Diego Ruiz de Figueroa, native of the city of Mexico, short of stature, light bearded, 21 years old.
Francisco, ManuelCaudillo, native of the town of Conde in Portugal, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, a crippled finger on his left hand, 30 years of age son of Francisco Perez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Gaceta, Sebastian deNative of Villalobo in Biscay, son of Domingo Gaceta, page of the maese de campo with complete armor for himself and horse.
Gallegos de Trujillo, don PedroAlferez, son of Garcia de Trujillo de Gallegos, native of Jerez de la Frontera, 23 years old.
Garcia, FranciscoNative of Mexico City, son of Martin Garcia, of good stature, red bearded, 35 years of age.
Garcia, JuanNative of Puebla de los Angeles, beardless, thin faced, 20 years old.
Garcia, LazaroThen came Lazaro Garcia, son of Bartolome Lavado, with coats of mail, beavers, and cuisses belonging to his father who, he said, was absent from camp with the governor's permission, who so certified. He has his wife and children in this camp prepared to go on the expedition.
Garcia, MarcosNative of Sanlucar de Barrameda, of good stature, partly gray, swarthy, 38 years of age, son of Tomas Garcia, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Garcia Palomo, HernanMiguel de Pernia, apperated for his father, Hernan Garcia Palomo, who was absent, with complete armor, except cuisses. The governor said that he had given him permission to to to Guadiana. He is taking his wife, children and family.
Garcia Tinoco, Cristobal Native of greater Sanlucar, son of Francisco Garcia Tinoco, with complete armor for himself.
Gasco de Velasco, don Luis Treasurer, son of Luis Jimenez Gasco, native of the city of Cuenca, of medium stature, red bearded, 28 years of age.
Geromino Ortiz, GasparNative of Madrid, son of Bernardino Ortiz, with complete armor for himself.
Gimenez, CristobalNative of the city of Avila in Castile, son of Pedro Ximenez Ventura, with complete armor for himself, except cuisses.
Gimenez, PedroSergeant, native of the City of Victoria in the province of Alava, son of Martin de Estavillo, with armor for himself and horse.
Gomez, Francisco Native of the city of Jerez de los Caballeros, son of Juan Sanchez, with coat of armor, harquebus, and sword only.
Gomez, SebastianNative of Santiago del Cuerno in the Condado of Niebla in Castile, son of Gonzalo Gomez, with complete armor for himself and horse, except for harquebus and headpiece for his horse.
Gomez de la Cavalleria, Juan Native of the city of Guadalajara in New Galicia, son of Diego Gutierrez de la Cavalleria, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Gomez Duran, PedroSargento, native of Valverde in the maestrazgo of Santiago, legitimate son of Hernan Sanchez Rico. He was robust, had pleasant features and was 50 years of age.
Gomez Montessinos, AlonsoCaptain, native of Villanueva de los Infantes in La Mancha, well built, chestnut colored beard, 38 years of age, son of Gonzalo Gomez, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his wife and family.
Gonzalez, BartolomeAlferez, son of Juan Gonzalez, native of Corral de Almaguer, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, 29 years of age.
Gonzalez, Gaspar Native of Puerto Real, son of Baltasar de Arenas, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Gonzalez, JuanAlferez, native of Islas de las Terceras, son of Andres Gonzalez, with a coat of mail, two servants with complete armor for themselves and horses.
Gonzalez, MateoNative of Zacatecas, son of Mateo Gonzalez, with complete armor for himself only.
Gonzalez de Almaguer, Bartolome Alferez, native of the town of Corral de Almaguer, son of Juan Gonzalez de Alamaguer, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Gonzalez de Flores, Cristobal Sargent, son of Anton Alonso, native of Seville, black bearded, tall, 40 years old.
Gonzalez de Vargas, JuanNative of the town of Carmona in Andalucia, of medium stature, scanty beard, one tooth missing, 22 years of age son of Francisco Martinez Toledano, with complete armor for himself.
Griego, JuanNative of the city of Candia in Greece, of good stature, partly gray bearded, a big gash in his forehead, 32 years of age, son of Lazaro Griego, with complete armor for himself. He is married and is taking his wife and family.
Guerra de Resa, JuanNative of Cain in this New Galicia, lieutenant adelantado and lieutenant governor and captain general of New Mexico, riding a horse with staff in hand. Son of Juan de Resa. At his side rode a page, fully armed, with coat of mail, buckskin jacket, cuisse, morion, beaver, harquebus and a horse in buckskin armor. See the Jewish Y DNA cluster match of his descendant Tiberio Saldivar, here.
Guillen, CristobalSon of Diego Guillen, native of Mexico, of medium stature, beardless, 20 years of age.
Guillen de Quesada, CristobalNative of Mexico, son of Diego Guillen de Quesada, page of the governor, with full armor for himself and horse.
Gutierrez, DomingoLegitimate son of Domingo Gutierrez, native of the island of Palma, short of stature, round faced, heavy bearded, 30 years old.
Gutierrez, JuanNative of San Vicente de la Barquera, son of Juan Agustin de Estrada, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Gutierrez, JuanSon of Juan Gutierrez Bocanegra, native of the city of Zacatecas, with complete armor for himself.
Gutierrez, MateoNative of Mexico, son of Alonso Gutierrez del Campo, with complete armor for himself and horse, except ecuisses.
Gutierrez Bocanegra, JuanCaptain, son of Alonso de Cuenca, native of Villanueva de los Infantes, tall, black bearded, with a stone bruise above his left eye, 44 years of age.
Gutierrez Valdivia, AndresAlferez, son of Cristobal Gutierrez Valdivia, native of San Lucar de Barrameda, of good stature heavy bearded, swarthy, 32 years old.
Guzman, Alonso deSargent, son of Antonio de Guzman, native of the city of Cuenca, well built, heavy bearded, 22 years old.
Guzman, Juan deSon of Luis Andino, native of Puerto de Santa Maria, short of stature, swarthy, 20 years old.
Guzman Salazar, don Pedro deNative of the town of Madrid, son of the fort commander (aldaide), Pedro Nunez Salazar, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Heredia, Geronimo deSergeant, native of the city of Cordoba, son of Diego Fernandez de Heredia, of medium stature, red bearded, a scar over the left eyebrow, 38 years of age with complete armor for himself and horse, except the headpiece for the horse.
Hernandez, AntonioSon of Francisco Simon, native of Brafa, tall, chestnut colored beard, a scar on two fingers of his right hand, 33 years of age.
Hernandez, GonzaloCaudillo, native of Coimbra in Portugal, of good stature, gray haired, 50 years of age son of Pedro Alonso Falcon, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his wife, children and family.
Hernandez Barriga, DiegoSon of Juan Fernandez, native of Moguer, well built, heavy bearded, 25 years old.
Hernandez Bialete, FrancisoCaudillo, native of Azuage in the provice of Estremadura, son of Martin Estevan de la Vera, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Hernandez Carrasco, JoseSergeant, native of the town of Ocana in Toledo, son of Sebastian de Yepes, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Hernandez Cordero, FranciscoNative of Guadalajara in New Galicia, son of Rodrigo Fernandez Cordero, of good stature, smooth chinned, 22 years of age.
Hernandez Guillen, FranciscoNative of Seville, son of Hernan Perez, of good stature, red bearded, but grayish, a mark on his right side, 50 years of age.
Hernandez Morillo, CristobalAlferez, native of the town of Zalamea de la Serena in Estremadura, son of Romero Alonso Amato, with a small breastplate, an harquebus and a servant, and with other armor for himself and horse.
Herrador Bellota, BartolomeNative of the town of Laredo in Castile, son of Bartolome Herrador, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Herrera, Bartolome deNative of Seville, of medium stature, growing beard, 20 years of age, son of Miguel de Herrera, with complete armor for himself.
Herrera, Cristobal deSon of Juan de Herrera, native of Jerez de la Frontera, tall, swarthy, beardless, 19 years of age.
Herrera, Juan deSon of Francisco de Herrera, native of the city of Mexico, of medium stature, round faced, light bearded, 20 years old.
Hinojos, Hernando deSon of Juan Ruiz, native of Cartaya, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 36 years of age.
Jimenez, Juan Son of Francisco Jiminez, native of Truxillo, of medium stature, black bearded, 30 years of age.
Jorge, JuanSon of Juan Jorge Griego, native of the town of Los Lagos, tall swarthy, 35 years old.
Lara, Juan deSon of Francisco de Pineda, native of Antequera, 20 years old, beardless, blue eyes, of mediums stature.
Larios, JuanSon of Captain Diego Alonso Larios, native of the city of Zacatecas, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ledesma, Franciso deNative of the town of Talavera de la Reina in the archbishopric of Toledo, of medium stature, black bearded, 25 years of age. Son of Juan Fernandez de Ledesma, with complete armor for himself only.
Leon, Bartolome deNative of the city of Cordoba, son of Cristobal de Leon, with complete armor for himself only.
Leon, Francisco deNative of the city of Jaen, son of Francisco de Leon, with complete armor for himself.
Leon, Gregorio deSergeant, native of Gran Canaria, son of Francisco de Leon, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is married and is taking his family.
Leon, Juan deNative of Cadiz, of good stature, red bearded, a wart on his right cheeck, 30 years of age, son of Antonio de Leon, with a coat of mail, harquebus, and a servant, and all other armor for himself and horse.
Lezama, Domingo deCaptain Juan Moreno de la Rua appeared for Domingo de Lezama, native of the town of Bilbao in Biscay, son of Juan de Lezama, and presented complete armor for himself and for his horse. He said that he was absent from camp with the governor's permission.
Lezama, Domingo deAlferez, son of Juan de Obregon, native of Bilbao, tall, red bearded, a scar on his nose, 27 years of age.
Lizaga, Cristobal deSon of Juan de Lizaga, native of Tepez here in New Spain, handsome, tall, beardless, 22 years old.
Lopez, CristobalSon of Diego Lopez de Aviles, native of Aviles, of good stature, heavy set, swarty, black bearded, a cut over his left eye, 40 years of age, a mulatto.
Lopez, DomingoNative of the mines of Santa Barbara in this kingdom of New Galicia, son of Juan Lopez Godoy, a servant of the governor, with complete arms for himself and horse.
Lopez, JuanNative of Nuestra Senora de las Nieves here in New Galicia, son of Juan Lopez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Lopez, Martin Native of Tlascala, son of Martin Lopez, with complete armor for himself and horse, except cuisses.
Lopez, MateoSon of Juan Marcos, native of Madrid, 20 years old, light bearded, swarthy and ruddy.
Lopez Calvao, Pedro Native of the town of Molina Seca in the kingdom of Galicia, of medium stature, a big scar on his forehead, 20 years of age son of Alvaro Lopez Calvo, with a small breastplate, sleeves of mail, and beaver.
Lopez del Canto, JuanSon of Pedro Lopez del Canto, native of Mexico, of good stature, black bearded with a cross on his forehead, 25 years of age.
Lopez Holguin, JuanAlferez, son of Juan Lopez Villasana, native of Fuente Ovejuna, of good stature, black bearded, a scar over his left eye, 40 years old.
Lopez de Medel, JuanSon of Pedro Lopez de Medel, native of the island of Palma, tall, black bearded, cross eyed, 36 years old.
Lopez Pallares, JuanCaptain, native of Mexico, son of Juan Lopez Pallares, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Lopez de Tavora, GasparAlguacil real of the expedition, native of Lisbon, son of Gaspan Lopez de Tavora, knight of the order of Christ, royal alguacil of the expedition, chestnut colored beard, 30 years of age, with Complete armor for himself and horse.
Lopez de la Vara, JuanNative of the city of Merida in the province of Estremadura, son of Bartolome Martin, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Lopez de Vrizuela, JuanNative of the town of Sonsillo in the archbishopric of Burgos, son of Francisco Lopez de Brizuela, with complete armor for himself only.
Lopez de Yllareta, JuanFrom the town of San Sebastian in the province of Guipuzcoa, son of Juan Perez de Yllareta, with a coat of mail and harquebus, and a servant with complete armor for himself and horse.
Lorenzo de Araujo, JuanCaudillo, native of the town of Bayona in Galicia, son of Juan Lorenzo de Araujo, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Lovera Linar, Juan deAlferez, native of the city of Calatayud in Aragon, son of Martin de Lovera, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Lucas, JuanNative of Puebla de los Angeles, freckled, of good stature, smooth chinned, 28 years of age. Son of Juan Lucas, with complete armor for himself only.
Lucero, PedroNative of Mexico, son of Juan Lucero, with coat of armor, cuisses, and beaver.
Lucio, GarciaLegitimate son of Rodrigo Lucio, native of Alcantara, rough bearded, of good features, 30 years old.
Luxan, JuanSon of Francisco Rodriguez, native of the island of Palma, tall, black bearded, 27 years old.
Manzaneda, Antonio deSon of Luis de Manzaneda, native of the city of Los Angles, slender, beardless, 18 years old
Marques, Lorenzo Native of Salamea de la Sierra in Castile, son of Morenzo Marques, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Marquez, GeronimoCaptain of the artillery, native of San Luca la Mayor, 40 years of age, swarthy and black bearded, son of Hernan Martin Zambrano, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is married, has four sons and a daughter, and is taking his whole household.
Martin, AlonsoNative of the town of Higuera de Vargas in Estremadura, son of Benito Diaz, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Martin, FranciscoNative of Ayamonte, son of Bonifacio Gomez, of good stature, old gray bearded, 60 years of age.
Martin, HernanSergeant of Captain Juan Ruiz, native of the city of Zacatecas, tall, scanty beard, pock marked, 40 years of age, son of Hernan Martin Serrano, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his wife and family. Y DNA line genetic descendants of this line can be found here
Martin, HernanSon of Hernan Martin Gomez, native of Verlanga, of medium stature, beardless, 20 years of age.
Martin, MiguelSon of Lucas Martin, native of the city of Escalona, blue eyed, light bearded, 22 years old.
Martin, SebastianSon of Francisco Martin, native of Seville, of medium stature, light bearded, 21 years old.
Martin Barba, AlonsoNative of Sombrerete, son of Pedro Martin Barba, with coat of armor and pistolet. Captain Escalante offered to furnish him with the rest.
Martin Gomez, HernanSon of Hernan Martin Gomez, native of Valverde de Reina, tall, partly gray, heavy set.
Martin de Reyna, DiegoNative of Bodonal in Estremadura, son of Alonso Gallego, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Martinez, AlonsoNative of Higuera de Vargas, son of Benito Diaz, of medium stature, scanty black beard, 46 years of age.
Martinez, JuanSon of Juan Martinez, native of Talavera de la Reina, of good stature, light bearded, 23 years old.
Martinez de Castaneda, FranciscoSon of Bartolome Marinez, native of Berganza, of medium stature, beardless, 18 years of age.
Martinez Cogedor, BaltasarSon of Juan Sanchez Cogedor, native of the town, of Budia in Castile, tall of good features, light bearded, 22 years old.
Martinez de Guevara, DiegoSargent, son of Benito Martinez de Guevara, native of Burgos, 21 years old, short of stature, rough bearded, blue eyed.
Martinez de Montoya, JuanCaptain, son of Bartolome Martinez de Montoya, native of the town of Nava la Camella in Segovia in the kingdom of Castille, tall, handsome, black bearded, 40 years old.
Medel, JuanNative of Ayamonte in the Condado of Niebla, gray bearded, small of stature, 43 years of age, son of Hernan Medel, complete armor for himself and horse.
Melgar, Juan deSon of Lorenzo de Melgar, native of the city of Zacatecas, rough bearded, of medium stature, lame, 26 years old.
Mexia, AntonioSon of Luis Mexia, native of the city of Seville, 18 years old, beardless, of good features.
Montero de Castro, MiguelSon of Augustin Montero de Castro, native of the city of Mexico, of good stature, red bearded, pink eyed, 25 years of age.
Montoya, Bartolome deSon of Francisco de Montoya, native of Cantillana, black bearded, small of stature, 28 years old.
Monzon, Baltasar deNative of Mexico, of good stature, starting beard, 20 years of age, son of Baltasar de Monzon, with complete armor for himself, except for cuisses.
Morales, Luis deSon of Francisco de Morales, native of the city of Los Angeles in New Spain, of good stature, a scar on his left cheek, 23 years old.
Moran, Juan Native of Morales or Mora de Toro in Old Castile, tall chestnut colored beard, thin, 27 years of age, son of Juan Moran, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his wife and children.
Moreno, LuisAlferez, son of Luis Fernandez Montalvo, native of the island of Tenerife, of good features, rough bearded, tall, 26 years old.
Moreno Maldonado, HernandoBrother of Captain Juan Moreno de la Rua, native of the town of Zalamea de la Serena in Estremadura, son of Hernando Moreno de la Rua, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Moreno de la Rua, JuanCaptain, native of Salamanca, son of Hernando Moreno de la Rua, of medium stature, heavy set, red bearded, 44 years of age, with complete armor for himself and horse; he is also taking his three sons and one servant, with complete armor for man and horse.
Munoz, JuanAlferez, a native of Jerez de la Frontera, the son of Cristobal de Vargas. He was tall, stout, round faced, black bearded, 40 years old.
Munuera, Lorenzo deNative of Villa Carrillo, son of Gil de Munuera, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 28 years of age.
Najara, Andres deNative of the city of Guadalajara in New Spain, son of Diego de Najara, with complete armor for himself only.
Naranjo, AlonsoSon of Diego Carrasco, native of the town of Voleullos, 42 years of age, of good stature, dark beard, a scar on the face, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Nunez, DiegoAlferez, native of the town of Guadalcanal, son of Juan de Chaves, with a coat of mail, harquebus and a servant, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Nunez de Chaves, DiegoAlferez, son of Juan de Chaves, native of Guadalcanal, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, some of the upper teeth broken, 30 years of age.
Nunez de Hinojosa, AlonsoAlferez, son of Alonso de Santiago, native of Plasencia, red bearded, of good stature.
Obregon, Baltasar deNative of the city of Puebla de los Angeles, son of Baltasar Obregon de Zayas, attendant in the house of the governor and aid to Vicente de Zaldivar, captain and sargento mayor, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Olague Miguel, Juan and Francisco All three brothers and also Jorge de Zumaya, pate of the governor, already recorded, natives of the city of Zacatecas, sons of Miguel de Olague, all three with complete armor for themselves. Juan de Olague, native of Panuco, is of good stature and build, growing beard, 19 years of age. Francisco de Olague, native of Panuco, with a scar above the left eye, beardless, of medium stature, 17 years of age.
Onate, don Cristobal deEight to ten years old. Legitimate first-born son and successor of the said Governor Don Juan de Onate, with complete armor for himself and horse. Although the commissary wanted to place his name after that of his father, the governor, the latter refused and asked that he be listed among the soldiers.
Ontiveros, Juan deNative of the town of Durango here in New Spain, son of Juan de Ontiveros, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ordonez, DiegoAlferez, native of Puebla de los Angles, son of Juan Gill de Montemolin, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ortiz Requelmo, JuanSon of Juan Lopez Ortega, native of Seville, small of stature, chestnut colored beard, a scar over the left eye, 28 years of age.
Otardui, Francisco deNative of the city of Genoa, son of Felipe de Otardui, with coat of armor, cuisses and beaver only.
Ortega, Juan deCaptain, son of Hernando de Ortega, native of the city of Los Angeles, of medium stature and good features, red bearded, 27 years old.
Ortega, Sebastian deAlferez, native of Medina Sidonia, son of Sebastian Ortiz, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ortiz Riquel, JuanNative of Seville, son of Juan Lopez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Pedraza, Juan deSon of Alonso Gonzales, native of Cartaya, swarthy, tall, black bearded, a big gash over his left eye, 30 years of age
Pedraza, Juan deNative of Cartaya in the Condado of Niebla, son of Alonso Gomez, with complete armor for himself.
Pereira, MarcosAlferez, native of the island of Tenerife, son of Nicolas Perez Pereira, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is married, has sons and daughters and is taking his entire household.
Perez, AndresSon of Andres Perez de Cabo, native of Tordesillas, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, heavy set, 30 years of age.
Perez, AndresNative of the town of Tordesillas in Old Castile, son of Andres de Cebo, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Perez, BlasNative of Triana, suburb of Seville, son of Hernando Perez, with a small breastplate, sleeves of mail, beaver, and harquebus.
Perez, FranciscoNative of the town of Almaden in Castile, son of Bartolome Perez, with complete armor for himself.
Perez, FranciscoNative of Alxafage of Seville, son of Pedro Gonzalez, a gentleman, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Perez, JuanNative of the town of San Felipe in New Spain, son of Pedro Hernandez Rey, with complete armor for himself only. He is married, has two children, and is taking this household.
Perez, JuanNative of Mexico, son of Cristobal Rodriguez, with complete armor for himself.
Perez, SimonNative of Zacatecas, son of Juan Perez, completely armed, including a horse.
Perez de Bustillo, JuanSon of Simon Perez, native of Mexico, small of stature, swarthy, gray bearded with a wart on the left side, 40 years of age.
Perez de Donis, JuanSecretary of the expedition, native of the municipality of Cangas de Onis in the principality of Asturias in Oviedo, of medium stature, gray bearded, with a scar on the forehead, 58 years of age. Son of Francisco Perez Carreno, appeared with full armor for himself and horse. He was married, had children and offered to take them along.
Perez Merino, JuanSoldier, native of Mexico, son of Simon Perez, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his wife, children, and family.
Perez de Yranzo, EstebanSon of Vicente Perez de Yranzo, native of San Martin in New Galicia, of good stature, rough bearded and 30 years of age.
Perez de Zayas, RodrigoNative of Mexico, son of Marcos Perez, with complete armor for himself.
Pineiro, JuanAlferez, son of Manuel Pineiro, native of the town of Fregenal, of medium stature, erect, chestnut colored beard, 30 years of age.
Portocarrero, don Pedro LazaroNative of the city of Guatemala, son of Pedro de Losa Alvarado who was the son or grandson of Pedro de Alvarado conqueror of Mexico and Guatamala. Complete armor for himself and horse.
Primero, JuanNative of the town of Fregenal in Estremadura, son of Manuel Primero, attendant in the household of the governor, with complete armor for himself and a servant, with another set of armor for man and horse.
Quesada, Alonso deAlferez, native of Mexico, red bearded, 32 years of age. Son of don Pedro de Quesada, with an harquebus and a servant who had complete armor for himself and horse.
Ramirez, FranciscoNative of Cartaya, son of Gomez de Salazar, small of stature, red bearded, blind of the left eye, 24 years of age.
Ramirez, JuanNative of the town of Torrijos in the archbishopric of Toledo, son of Francisco Ramirez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ramirez, MartinNative of Lepe, son of Juan Leal, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 33 years of age.
Ramirez Achero, FranciscoNative of the town of Cartaya in Castile, son of Gomez de Salazar, with complete armor for himself, except beaver and helmet, and he had no horse armor.
Ramirez de Zuniga, HernanNative of the town of Zuniga, son of Pedro Ramirez de Zuniga, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Rangel, JuanAlferez of the company, son of Cristobal Gaspar Enriguez, native of the city of Mexico, 25 years old, tall, of good features.
Rascon, FranciscoCaptain, native of Puebla de los Angeles, tall, of good features, 25 years old. Son of Francisco Rascon, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Rea, Hernando de laNative of Lorio in Biscay, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Resa, Julian deCaptain, native of Almodovar del Campo, son of Juan de Resa, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Resa, Luis deCaptain, native of Villescusa de Haro in La Mancha, son of Francisco de Resa, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Reyes, Pedro de losSon of Sebastian de los Reyes, native of Mexico, smooth chinned, tall, pock marked, 18 years of age
Reyes, Pedro de losNative of Mexico, son of Pedro de los Reyes, with complete armor except for cuisses, and headpiece for the horse.
Rio, Alonso delSon of Estevan Arias, native of Puerto Real, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 40 years of age
Rivas, Pedro deNative of Puebla de los Angeles, beardless, 20 years of age. Son of Juan de Rivas, with complete armor for himself only. He said that his arms and equipment had been given him by Captain Marcos Farfan de los Godos.
Rivera, Pedro deNative of the city of Zacatecas, of medium stature, scanty black beard, 19 years of age. Son of Francisco Miguel de Rivera, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Robledo, AlonsoSon of Pedro Robledo, native of Cimapan in New Spain, of good stature, red bearded, 21 years of age
Robledo, DiegoNative of Maqueda, son of the Pedro Robledo (listed below), of good stature, red bearded, 27 years of age
Robledo, FranciscoSon of Pedro Robledo, native of Valladolid in New Spain, smooth chinned, 18 years of age
Robledo, PedroAlferez, native of Carmera in Toledo, son of Alejo Robledo, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his household of wife and five children.
Robledo, PedroAlferez, native of Maqueda, son of Alejo Robledo, of good stature, entirely gray, 60 years of age.
Robledo, PedroSon of Pedro Robledo, native of Temazcaltepeque, of good stature, 20 years of age, and scanty beard.
Robledo de Avalos, FrancisoSon of Pedro Robledo, native of the town of Zamora in New Spain, with complete armor for himself only, except cuisses.
Rodriguez, AntonioNative of Canes in the jurisdiction of Lisbon, in Portugal, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, 28 years of age. Son of Sivestre Juan, without armor. The governor promised to furnish him with everything.
Rodriguez, DomingoHalf-brother to Cristobal Sanchez, native of Llerena here in New Spain, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Rodriguez, JuanNative of the town of Manzanilla, suburb of Seville, son of Francisco Garcia Gill, with coat of armor and harquebus. The governor promised to furnish him with the rest.
Rodriguez, JuanNative of the city of Oporto, son of Gonzalo Gonzalez, of medium stature, somewhat gray, 40 years of age
Rodriguez, JuanSon of Geronimo Sanchez, native of Sombrerete, of good stature, beard growing and chestnut colored, 24 years of age.
Rodriguez, PedroNative of the island of Palma, short of stature, rough bearded, of good features, 30 years old.
Rodriguez, SebastianSon of Juan Ruiz, native of Cartaya, of good stature, red bearded, long mustaches, 30 years of age.
Rodriguez, TomasAlferez of Captain Juan Ruiz, native of Nombre de Dios, son of Juan Rodriguez del Rio, with coat of armor, beaver, and harquebus. The governor offered to furnish him all other armor for himself and horse.
Rodriguez Vellido, JuanSon of Francisco Nunez, native of Gibraleon in Castile, full bearded, a scar under the left eye, 40 years old.
Rodriguez de Villaviciosa, MiguelSon of Juanes de Villaviciosa, native of Renteria, of medium stature, beard growing, a small scar over his left eyebrow, 20 years of age.
Rodriquez de Ynojos, SebastianBrother to Hernando de Ynojos, natives of the town of Cartaya in the Condado Niebla, son of Juan Ruiz, with coat of mail, harquebus and servant all other armor for himself and a horse and an additional coat.
Rojas, Diego deNative of the valley of La Puana, son of Andres de Rojas, with complete armor for himself and horse, but which had been given him by Captain Bartolome de Dardenas, his brother-in-law.
Rojas, Francisco deNative of Mexico, son of Juan de Rojas, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Romero, BartolomeAlferez, native of the town of Corral de Almaguer in Castile, of good stature, swarthy, black beard, 35 years of age. Son of Bartolome Romero, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ruiz, FranciscoNative of Espinosa de los Monteros, 20 years old, of good stature, light bearded.
Ruiz, Juan Captain, native of the mines of Guanajuato in New Spain, son of Juan Beltran de Cabrera, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ruiz de Aguirre, MartinSergeant, native of the town of Leinestro in Biscay, son of Martin Ruiz de Aguirre, with an harquebus, and a servant with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ruiz de Caceres, JuanSon of Pedro Ruiz, native of the island of Palma, eagle faced, heavy bearded, tall of stature, 30 years of age.
Ruiz de Cuellar, CristobalAlferez of Captain Alonso Sanchez, native of the town of Manzanares, son of Juan de Cuellar, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ruiz Fernandez, JuanSon of Hernando Ruiz de Rojas, native of Espinosa de los Monteros, light bearded, of good features, medium of stature, 23 years old.
Salado de Rivadeneyra, LorenzoNative of Valladolid in Old Castile, of medium stature, red bearded, 23 years of age. Son of Licentiate Salado de Rivadeneyra, chamberlain of the governor, with full armor for himself and horse.
Salas, Juan deNative of the valley of La Puana, beardless, of good stature, 20 years of age. Son of the contador, Alonso Sanchez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Salas, Juan deNative of Chalchihuites in this New Vizcaya, son of Gonzalo Hernandez, with a coat of mail, beaver and harquebus.
Salas, Luis deNative of Zacatecas, son of Alonso Bernal, with complete armor for himself and horse.
San Martin, Pedro deSon of Antonio de San Martin, native of Zacatecas, of good stature, swarthy, black bearded, freckled, 25 years of age.
Sanchez, AlonsoNative of the town of Niebla in Castile, son of Alonso Marquez, of medium stature, gray bearded, 50 years of age, contador and treasurer of the expedition, appeared with a servant and with complete armor for himself and horse. He is married and has nine children. He is taking his entire household.
Sanchez, BartolomeNative of Llerena, legitimate son of Bartolome Sanchez Guardado, rough bearded, of good features, 28 years old.
Sanchez, CristobalNative of Llerena or Sombrerete here in New Spain, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, a mark on the nose near the eyebrows, 27 years of age. Son of Geronimo Sanchez, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sanchez, FranciscoSon of Juan Sanchez, native of Mexico, beardless, of good features, 18 years old.
Sanchez, FrancisoCaudillo, native of Cartaya in Castile, son of Diego Sanchez, of good stature, black bearded, 30 years of age, with harquebus, coat of mail, and a servant with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sanchez, MatiasSon of Geronimo Sanchez, native of Sombrerete, of good stature, beardless, robust, 15 years of age.
Sanchez, PabloCristobal Sanchez and Domingo Rodriguez half-brothers declared that their brother Pablo Sanchez, was also going in the expedition and that he a complete set of armor for himself and horse. He did not appear for the review as he was ill. In view of this fact, the commissary included him in the review and accepted his excuse. He is convalescing at the mines of Todos Santos.
Sanchez de Amiuro, PedroSon of Pedro Sanchez de Amiuro, native of Rivadeo, of good stature, starting beard, with a scar above the left eye, 21 years of age.
Sanchez Cebrian, AlonsoCaptain, native of the town of Corral de Almaguer, son of Juan Sanchez Cebrian; he is taking his wife, children, and family, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sanchez de Miero, PedroNative of the town of Sombrerete in New Spain, son of Pedro Sanchez de Miero, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sanchez de Miero, PedroNative of the town of Rivadeo in the kingdom of Galicia, son of Pedro Sanchez de Miero, with complete armor for himself only. He is married and is taking his family.
Sanchez Monrroy, PedroNative of Mexico, son of Hernan Martin Monrroy, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is married and is taking his wife, children and family.
Sanchez de Orduna, DiegoAlferez, native of the town of Nonvella in the kingdom of Toledo, son of Diego Sanchez del Cerro, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Santillan, Bernabe deSon of Hernando de Olivar, native of Madrid, tall, lightly bearded, swarthy 24 years old.
Sarinana, Antonio deSon of Pedro Sanchez de Amiciro, native of Galicia, short of stature, scanty beard, 19 years of age.
Segura, Hernando deNative of Condado of Niebla in Castile or Condado de San Juan del Puerto, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 27 years of age, son of Francisco Diaz Villalobos, with armor for himself and horse except for cuisses and headpiece for the horse.
Serrano, Sebastian Native of Mexico, 28 years of age, son of Juan Alonso, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sorchaga, Martin deNative of the town of Sorchaga in the bishopric of Pamplona, son of Martin Serrano, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sosa, Estevan deAlferez, native of Valle de Suchre (Suchil), son of the Francisco de Sosa Penalosa (listed below), lieutenant governor and inspector general, with complete armor for himself only.
Sosa, Estevan deSon of Francisco de Sosa Penalosa, native of Havana, tall, scanty beard, 21 years of age.
Sosa Albornoz, Alonso deCaptain, native of Mexico, 48 years of age, of dark complexion, somewhat gray. Son of Francisco de Sosa Albornoz, with a servant and with a harquebus and complete armor for himself and horse. He is married, has five children and is taking the entire family along.
Sosa Penalosa, Francisco deNative of the city of Avila in Castile, son of Francisco de Penalosa, lieutenant governor, captain general, and inspector general, appeared with a servant, with complete armor for himself and horse, comprising sword, harquebus, helmet, and coat, cuisses, and beavers of mail; and for the horse armor of buckskin and bullhide or calfskin; he is married and is taking along his children and family.
Sosa Penalosa, Francisco deSon of the lieutenant governor, Francisco de Sosa Penalosa, native of the valley of Suchil, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Sosa Penalosa, Francisco deAlferez Real, 60 years of age, gray bearded, of medium stature, son of Francisco Penalosa, native of Avila.
Suarez, FranciscoSon of Diego Suarez, native of Gorachico in the island of Tenerife, handsome, tall, light bearded, 20 years old.
Suarez de Figueroa, IsidroAlferez, son of Pedro Suarez Montano, native of Jerez de los Caballeros, who had returned from New Mexico, was a man of good stature, swarthy, eagle faced, light bearded, 24 years old.
Tordesillas, Lucas deSon of Juan de Tordesillas, native of Zacatecas, tall, heavy set, swarthy, black bearded, a mark between the eyebrows, 30 years of age.
Toro, Eugenio deNative of Mexico, son of Pedro de Toro, with complete armor for himself.
Torres, Juan deNative of Mexico, son of Baltasar Torres, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Travasos, ManuelNative of San Gonzalo de Amarante in Portugal, son of Juan Martin Travasos, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Trevino, Leonis deSon of Baltasar de Banuelos, native of Zacatecas, of good stature, scanty red beard, 26 years of age. Baltasar de Banuelos died in 1600 stating in a testimonial that he was a descendant of the house of Temino in Bureba in the kingdom of old Castilla (closest geographical match being Banuelos de Bureba).
Vaca, CristobalCaptain, legitimate son of Juan de Vaca (possibly the same Juan de Vaca as the one on the Coronado Expedition) , native of the city of Mexico, of good stature and features, swarthy, 33 years old.
Vaez, TristanSon of Amador Vaez, native of Puebla de los Angeles in New Spain, light bearded, short of stature, 20 years old.
Valencia, Blas deSon of Juan de Valencia, native of Seville, beardless, round faced, light bearded, 20 years old.
Varela, AlonsoNative of Santiago in Galicia, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 30 years of age, son of Pedro Varela.
Varela, Alonso deBrother to Pedro Varela, native of the city of Santiago in Galicia, son of Pedro Varela, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Varela, PedroNative of Santiago in Galicia, 24 years of age, of good stature, red bearded. Son of Pedro Varela, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Vargas, don Antonio deCaptain Don Antonio de Vargas Francisco de Morales appeared in the name of Captain Don Antonio de Vargas native of Puebla de los Angeles, son of Francisco Diaz de Vargas, with complete armor for himself and horse. The governor had sent him to meet the married people.
Vasquez, FranciscoNative of Cartaya, son of Alonso Alfran, of good stature, red bearded, 28 years of age.
Vayo, AlonsoCaptain, son of Juan Dominguez, native of San Juan del Puerto in Castile, a scar on the left cheek, tall, 25 years old.
Vega, Alonso de laSargent, son of Juan de la Vega, native of Carmona, short of stature, rough bearded, 26 years old.
Velarde Colodro, JuanNative of Madrid in Castile, of medium stature, chestnut colored beard, 28 years of age. Son of Juan Velarde Colodro, secretary to the governor, with full armor for himself and horse.
Velasco y Zuniga, Juan deNative of the town of Zacatecas in New Galicia, son of Alonso de Velasco y Zuniga the elder, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Velasquez de Cabanillas, JuanSon of Cristobal de Hidalgo de Cabanillas, native of Zalamea de la Serena, small of stature, chestnut colored beard, 24 years of age.
Velman, RodrigoSon of Francisco Velman, native of Trimonia, Flemish, of medium stature, red bearded, 33 years of age.
Victoria, Juan deNative of Mexico, son of Alonso Ruiz, with complete armor for himself, except cuisses.
Victoria Carvajal, Juan deAlferez, native of Yautepeque or Ayotepelin the marquisate of the Valley of Oaxaca, of medium stature, of good features, chestnut colored beard,a scar above his right eye, 37 years of age. Son of Juan de Carvajal, with complete armor for himself and horse. He is taking his children and family. Left New Mexico only to return a year later. Sons: Geronimo and Estevan. Second Wife: Isabel Holguin daughter of Juan Lopez Holguin.
Vido, FranciscoNative of Mexico, swarthy, beardless, of medium stature, 20 years of age. Son of Geronimo Vido, page of the governor, with complete arms for himself and horse.
Villagra, Gaspar deCaptain, native of Puebla de los Angeles, of medium stature, somewhat gray, 30 years of age. Son of Hernan Perez de Villagra, member of the council of war and procurator general of the expedition. He had no armor for man or horse, but he presented an affidavit which indicated that he had given the governor sufficient armor to equip six soldiers completely for the expedition: six harquebuses, six buckskin coats of armor, twelve buckskins for six sets of horse armor, six harnessed mules and donkeys, six cavalry horses, one cavalry saddle (bridona). He said that he did not come with horse and armor because he was remaining behind to attend to matters pertaining to the expedition. At the request of the governor, the sargento mayor certified that he had received from Captain Gaspar de Villagra the goods listed above, and that they had been given to soldiers to needed them.
Villalba, Francisco deNative of the city of Cadiz, beardless, of good stature, 20 years of age. Son of Juan Miguel Galindo, page of the governor, with complete arms for himself and horse.
Villaviciosa, Miguel deCaptain Don Antonio de la Cadena appeared for Miguel de Villaviciosa, native of the province of Guipuzoa, son of Sancho de Villaviciousa, and presented his complete armor for man and horse. He said that he was absent with permission of the governor, who certified that he had sent these three soldiers to his excellency, the viceroy, with dispatches relating to the expedition.
Ximenez, DiegoNative of the town of Cartaya in the Condado of Niebla, son of Juan Martinez Sevillano, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ximenez, FranciscoNative of the town of Zafra in Estremadura, son of Hernan Garcia Vaquero, with complete armor for himself.
Ximenez Hurtado, AlonsoBrother of Alferez Juan Ximenez Hurtado, native of Medina Sidonia, son of Hernando Ximenez Hertado, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Ximenez Hurtado, JuanAlferez, native of Medina Sidonia, son of Hernando Ximenez Hurtado, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Xuarez, IsidroSon of Pedro Xuarez Montano, native of Jerez de los Caballeros, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, 20 years of age.
Yllan de Sosa, FranciscoSon of Francisco de Sosa Penalosa, native of Valle de Altillo, growing beard, tall, 23 years of age.
Ynojos, Hernando de Brother to Sebastian Rodriquez de Ynojos, natives of the town of Cartaya in the Condado Niebla, son of Juan Ruiz, with coat of mail, harquebus and servant all other armor for himself and a horse and an additional coat.
Ysasti, Leon deSon of Juanes de Ysasti, native of Valle de Haro, of good stature, chestnut colored beard, a small scar over the left eyebrow, 23 years of age.
Zaldivar, don Juan de Maese de campo general, native of the city of Zacatecas, well built, chestnut colored beard, 28 years of age. With a corselet, all embossed, armor of buckskin and bullhide for himself and horse, an outfit of mail for replacement and page.
Zaldivar, Vicente deCaptain and Sargento Mayor, son of Vicente de Zaldivar, native of Zacatecas, medium sized, chestnut colored beard, 25 years of age, appeared with a complete set of armor of mail for himself, an armored horse, and a page with an extra outfit. BIOGRAPHY ON VICENTE DE ZALDIVAR
Zapata, RodrigoSon of Francisco Hernandez Piquete, native of Asuaga, small of stature, chestnut colored beard, with two or three marks on his forehead, 23 years of age.
Zamudio, Marcos deNative of the town of Zamudio in Biscay, son of Martin de Zamudio, with complete armor for himself and horse.
Zubia, Diego dePurveyor General, native of the city of Guadalajara in New Galicia, son of Juan de Zubias, well built, chestnut colored beard, with a scar on his forehead, 36 years of age.
Zumaya, Jorge deNative of Zacatecas, son of Miguel de Olague, page of the governor, with full armor for himself and horse.

* Source of the above names: "Don Juan de Onate, Colonizer of New Mexico 1595-1682 
by George P. Hammond And Agapito Rey (available through your libraries book exchange program).
Please note this list contains some inaccuracies. As 3 lists were compiled into one. Note the 
source above to for the correct 3 lists.