List of Those Who Served with Cortes (M-Q)
Macias, Alonso deMadrid, FranciscoMadrigal, Juan de
Madrid, ?Madrid, AlonsoMaeda, Cristobal de
Maeda, JuanMaeda, TelmoMaestre, Juan
Magallanes, JuanMaldonado, Alvaro "The Iron Man"Maldonado, Francisco
Mafla, ?Maldonado, ?Maldonado, Manuel
Maldonado, PedroMallorquin, AntonioMallorquin, Gabriel
Mallorquin, JuanMaluenda, Alonso (or Antonio)Maluenda, Pedro de
Mancilla, Juan deManueto, Rodrigo deManusco, Rodrigo
Manzanilla, Juan deManzanilla, Pedro deMar, Miguel de la
Marco, AntonMarin, CristobalMarin, Jeronimo
Marin, Luis "Captain"Marin, JeronMarmolejo, Antonio
Marmolejo, Diego (Luis)Marmolejo, Francisco deMarques Gallego, Juan
Marquez, CatalinaMarroquin, BartolomeMarroquino, Miguel
Marquez, FranciscoMarquez, JuanMarroquin, Francisco
Marta, Pedro deMartin, ?Marticote, Francisco
Martin, AntonioMartin, AparicioMartin, Cristobal
Martin, JeronimoMartin, JuanMartin, Luis
Martin, PedroMartin Carpintero, FranciscoMartin Granado, Alonso de
Martin, LazaroMartin de Alperdrino, AlonsoMartin de Cadiz, Alonso
Martin Jaca, AlonsoMartin, AntonMartin, Bartolome
Martin Camacho, CristovalMartin de Lieva, CristovalMartin de Zafra, Cristoval
Martin, DiegoMartin, DomingoMartin, Esteban
Martin, HernandoMartin Vizcaino , FranciscoMartin, Gonzalo
Martin Millan de Gamboa, CristobalMartin, GinesMartin, Maya
Martin, Juan (2)Martin de Villanueva, JuanMartin de Coria, Pedro
Martin Munoz, GregorioMartin Portugues, ?Martin Ruimon, Pedro
Martin Sashe, ?Martin Vendaval, Francisco deMartin Xaid, Alonso
Martin de Aguado, JuanMartin de Aguado, PedroMartin de Alburquerque, Francisco
Martin de Ayamonte, DiegoMartin de Cuellar, JuanMartin de Gamboa, Cristobal
Martin de Jerez, AlonsoMartin de Porras, PedroMartin de Trejo, Alonso
Martin de Escobar, PedroMartin del Alberca, JuanMartinez, Andres
Martinez, ?Martinez, CristobalMartinez, Francisco
Martinez, HernandoMartinez, JoanMartinez, Juan
Martinez, ValencianoMartinez Cueva, JoanMartinez de Cebrian, ?
Martinez de Billoria, JuanMartinez de Fregenal, JuanMartin(ez) de Gallegos, Juan
Martinez de Salvatierra, JeronimoMartinez Mercado, JuanMasariegos (Mazariegos), Diego de
Mateos (Matas), AlonsoMatienzo, Alonso deMata, Alonso
Maya, Antonio deMaya, Juan deMaya, Pedro de
Mayor, JuanMayorga, Baltasar deMazuela, Juan de
Mazariegos, Diego deMazas, CristobalMedel, Hernando
Medel, FranciscoMedina, FranciscoMedina, Francisco
Medina, Gonzalo deMedina, Jeronimo deMedina, Juan de (2)
Mejia, FranciscoMelgarejo, Juan deMelgarejo de Urrea, Melchor
Mena, DiegoMendez, BenitoMendez de Alcantara, Juan
Mendez de Sotomayor, FernandoMendez de Sotomayor, JuanMendia, Pedro de
Mendoza, AlonsoMeneses, Pedro deMerida, Antonio de
Merida, Garcia deMesa, FranciscoMesta, Alonso
Mexia, AparicioMexia, DiegoMexia (Mejia), Gonzalo
Mexia, Gonzalo (Rapapelo)Mezquita, Martin deMibiercas, Francisco
Miguel de Salamanca, FranciscoMiguel, EstebanMilla, Francisco
Millan, JuanMilles, JuanMinana, Francisco de
Mino, Rodrigo deMiranda, Francisco deMoguer, Francisco de
Moguer, Juan deMoguer, Rodrigo deMol, Andres de
Mola, Andres deMola, Diego deMolina, Alonso de
Molina, Antonio deMolinero, JuanMondragon, Pedro de
Monjaraz, Andres deMonjaraz, Gregorio deMonjaraz, Martin
Monjaraz, Martin Ruiz deMonjaraz, RuizMonje, Martin de
Monroy, Alonso deMontanes, JuanMontanes, Lucas
Montanes, PedroMonte, Hernando deMontejo, Diego de
Montano, Francisco deMontejo, FranciscoMonterroso, Blas de
Montalvo, Alonso deMontes, Juan AlcantaraMora, Alonso de
Montero, DiegoMontero, FranciscoMontes, Alonso
Montes, PedroMontesinos, Juan (Pedro) deMontes de Oca, Hernando
Mora, ?Morales, ?Morales, Alonso
Morales, Bartolome deMorales, CristobalMorales, Cristobal de
Morales, EstebanMorales, Martin deMorales (Netros), Francisco
Morales, FranciscoMorales, Juan deMorales, Miguel de
Morales Coronel, Juan deMorante, FranciscoMora Jimenez, Juan de
Morcillo, Alvaro deMorcillo, AndresMoreno, ?
Morante, Cristoval deMorcillo, Alonso deMorcillo, Francisco de
Morejon de Lobera, RodrigoMoreno, DiegoMoreno de Medrano, Pedro
Moreno, Bachiller PedroMoreno, BlasMoreno, Pedro
Moreno, IsidroMoreno, JuanMoreno Cendejas, Pedro
Moreno de Najera, PedroMoreno de Zaragosa, PedroMoria, Francisco de
Morillas, ?Morisco, PedroMorla, ?
Moro, Alonso deMoron, PedroMotrico, Francisco
Motrico, Pedro deMoya, JoanMuda (Muela), Julian de la
Moron, AlonsoMosquero, JuanMuniz, Fernando
Moscoso, SabastianMotrico, Diego deMuniz, Gregorio
Munoz, JuanMurcia, Pedro deNaipes, Diego de
Najera, Rodrigo deNajera Batihoja, Juan deNapolitano, Luis
Nao, Rodrigo deNarvaez, Gonzalo deNarvaez, Panfilo
Nasciel, Alonso deNavarette, AlonsoNavarro, Felipe
Navarro, Juan (4)Nebreda, Hernando deNiano, Lope de
Niebla, FernandoNieto, AntonioNieto, Diego
Nieto, GomezNieto, PedroNino, Domingo
Nino, JuanNino de Escobar, Alonso deNobucas (Noburias), Francisco
Nortes, AlonsoNortes. JinesNunez, Alonso
Nunez. AndresNunez, AntonNunez, Juan
Nunez de Duerla, JuanNunez Gallego, JoanNunez Gallego, Juan
Nunez de Guzman, PeroNunez de San Miguel, DiegoNunez Trejo, Diego
Nunez Mercado, JuanNunez Sedeno, JuanNunez Mancheno, Cerrana
Oblanco, GonzaloOcampo, Alonso deOcampo, Alvaro
Ocampo, Andres deOcampo (Campo), Bartolome deOcampo, Diego
Ocampo, Gonzalo deOcampo, Gregorio deOcampo, Pedro de
Ocana, Alonso deOcana, FranciscoOcana, Gonzalo
Ocana, Juan deOcana, PedroOchoa, ?
Ochoa, Gonzalo deOchoa, JuanOchoa de Verazu (Vergara), Pedro
Ochoa de Lexalde, JuanOjeda, Alonso (El Viejo)Ojeda, Alonso
Ojeda, Cristobal (Doctor)Ojeda, Luis deOlano, Francisco D'
Olanos, Sebastian D'Olbera (Olvera), Diego deOlea, Hernando de
Olea, CristovalOliberos, Francisco deOliver, Antonio de
Olmedo, Juan deOlid, Cristoval deOliveros, Francisco de
Olmedo, BartolomeOlmos, Francisco deOlvera, Diego de
Olvera, MartinOna, Pedro deOrdaz, Diego
Ordana, FranciscoOrdaz, Beatriz deOrdaz, Francisca de
Ordaz, PedroOrduna, FranciscoOrduna, Pedro de
Orduna, ?Orduna, AlonsoOrduna, Alonso de
Orozco, Francisco (2)Ortega, Juan deOrtiz de Zuniga, Alonso
Oredo, Martin deOrellana, Pedro deOrozco, Juan
Ortiz, Cristoval (2)Ortiz, JuanOsorio, (?)
Orozco Acevedo, Hernando deOrtacho, Francisco deOrtega, Cristobal de
Ortega, Hernando deOrtega (Orteguilla), JuanOrtiz, ?
Osma (Ozma,Dozma), Hernando deOsorio, JuanOvalle, Juan de
Ovando, Diego deOvide, Pedro deOviedo, Bernardo
Pablo, ?Pablo, PedroPaez, Francisco Bernal
Paez, LorenzoPacheco, CristobalPadilla, Fernando de
Paez (Paz), Juan dePage, JuanPalacios, Beatriz de
Palacios, Cristobal dePalacios, NicolasPalacios Rubios, ?
Palencia, Pedro dePalencia, Pedro dePantoja, Juan
Palma, Pedro dePalomares, Nicolas dePandilla, Amado de la
Paniagua, Gomez dePapelero, AntonParada, Alonso de
Paradinas, Cristobal deParadinas, SebastianPardo, Bartolome
Pardo, RodrigoParedes, Alonso deParedes, Bernardino de
Pardo, JulianParedes, Bernal dePayo, Lorenzo
Paredes, Juan dePartidor, MartinPastrana, Alonso de
Paz, Garcia dePaz, Martin dePedro, Maestro
Paz, Pedro dePedraza, Diego dePena, Rodrigo de la
Pedro, MartinPedro, PabloPeinado, Antonio
Pena, Francisco de laPena, Juan de laPena, Pablo
Penaflor, AlonsoPenalosa, Diego dePenalosa, Francisco de
Penaranda, ?Penaranda, AlonsoPena Vallejo, Juan de la
Pencon, JuanPeral, PedroPerales, Bartolome de
Perales, JuanPerez, AugustinPerez, Alonso (2)
Perez, AlfonsoPerez, AntonioPerez, Bartolome
Perez, BlasPerez, GarciaPerez, Gines
Perez, HernanPerez, HernandoPerez, Juan
Perez, Alvaro (2)Perez, Francisco (2)Perez de Arteaga, Juan
Perez, PedroPerez Cuenca, BenitoPerez Maite, Alonso
Perez Pareja, AlonsoPerez Zambrano, JuanPerez de Aquitania, Juan
Perez de Ardon(a), JuanPerez de Arevalo, AlonsoPerez de Donce, Juan
Perez de Mondragon, JuanPerez de Tuesta, JuanPerol, Pero
Perez de la Gama, JuanPerez de Herrera, JuanPerez de la Hiniesta, Juan
Perez, MartinPeron (Peton) de Toledo, PedroPilar, Garcia del
Penate, (?)Penate, AlonsoPineda, Diego de
Pinedo, CristobalPinto, AntonioPinto, Martin
Pinto, NunoPinzon, GinesPinzon, Juan
Pizarro, DiegoPizarro, FernandoPizarro, Pablo
Plasencia, Juan dePlazuela. ?Plaza, Juan de la
Ponce, DiegoPonce, PedroPonte, Esteban de
Polanco, Gaspar dePorcallo, VascoPortillo, Francisco
Porego, HernandoPorras, Hernando dePorras, Sebastian de
Portillo, Juan dePortillo-Villacinda, CindosPorras, Bartolome
Portillo, Alonso dePortillo, Juan dePortillo, Pedro Alfonso de
Porras, DiegoPorras, Diego dePorras, Francisco de
Portillo, Vasco dePortillo Salcedo, Juan dePrado, Alonso
Pregonero, CristobalPrieto, PedroPrieto, Sebastian
Prisa, Martin de laPuebla, ?Puebla, Bartolome Alonso de la
Prado, JuanPuebla, Juan de laPuente, Alonso de la
Puerto, Juan delQuadras, Pedro deQuemada, Antonio de
Quemado, BartolomeQuesada, BernardinoQuejada, Diego
Quesada, CristovalQuesada, RodrigoQuevedo, Francisco de
Quijada, BernardinoQuintalle, Juan deQuintana, Francisco
Quinones, AntonioQuinones, GasparQuintero, Alonso
Quintana, Hernando deQuintero, ?Quisada, Diego
Quintero, FranciscoQuintero, Juan

* Source of the above names: Duaine, Carl Laurence. "With All Arms A Study of a Kindred Group" 

* Additional Source: Himmerich Y Valencia, Robert. "The Encomenderos of New Spain 1521-1555"

* Additional Source: Thomas, Hugh. "Who's Who of the Conquistadors"  

Macias, Alonso de - Married a woman from Spain. Madrid, Alonso - died in the conquest. Madrid, Francisco - From: Madrid. To Santo Domingo in 1494 and Havana Cuba later. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Madrigal, Juan de - In Cuba in 1519 and to Mexico in 1520. Maeda, Cristobal de - served in the Italian Wars (Spain went to war with France in Italy in order to protect Sicily which was part of Aragon). Married Isabel de Muniz. Maeda, Telmo - survived the conquest and explored lower California with Cortes. Magallanes, Juan - From: Portugal. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Known as a "good soldier". Died in the conquest. Maldonado, Alvaro - From: Salamanca. Alvaro and his son Francisco Maldonado joined Cortes' entrada in 1519. Settled in Mexico City. Maldonado, Francisco - From: Salamanca. Parents: Alvaro Maldonado and Juana de Castro. Was awarded a coat of arms of which his accomplishments are listed. Francisco was married but had no children from this marriage. He did however claim a natural daughter. Mallorquin, Antonio - From: Baleares. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Mallorquin, Gabriel - From: Baleares. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Maluenda, Alonso (or Antonio) - on the records of Mx. 3 years after the conquest. Maluenda, Pedro de - from a converted Jewish family of Burgos. Died about one year after the conquest. Heir: cousin Francisco de Santa Cruz. Related to Alonso Maluenda. Mancilla, Juan de - Settled in Mexico City. He was married and had at least one daughter. Manzanilla, Juan de - From: Manzanilla, Huelva. Settled in Puebla. Married twice and had a daughter and son from each marriage. His second wife was the daughter of the Conquistador Pedro de Villanueva. One daughter dona Maria de Carvallar married Gonzalo de Aguilar called "el Portugues" and settled in Puebla. Manzanilla, Pedro de - died in the conquest. Marco, Anton - married Madona Francina. Son: Juan Marco. Marin, Jeronimo - Brother to the below mentioned Luis Marin. Their father was from Genoa. He died on his way to the conquest. Marin, Luis "Captain" - Parents: Francisco de Marin and Marina Bernal Guillen. A native of Sanlucar de Barrameda, from one of the established Genoese families there (formally Marini). Arrived in Mexico with 60 others under the command of Francisco de Saucedo. Good friend of Cortes. Married dona Maria de Mendoza and they had 11 children. Settled in Mexico City. Son: Alonso Marin. Grandson: Juan de Saldivar. Granddaughters married: Doctor Riego and don Juan de Guevara. Marmolejo, Antonio - survived the conquest. Daughter: Guiomar. Marmolejo, Francisco de - survived the conquest. Daughter Isabel married Garcia Osorio. Marquez, Catalina - 2 daughters Catalina and Ines. Marquez, Francisco - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Marquez, Juan - Put in charge of training the Tlaxcalan allies in Spanish warfare. Marroquin, Francisco - From: Madrid. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Was a Conquistador of the Mexican state of Chiapas also. Martin, Anton - From: Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Martin, Bartolome - From: Palos, Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes. On Mexican records in 1529. Martin, Diego - From: Ayamonte, Huelva. Known as a "good soldier". In Cuba in 1518 and to Mexico in 1519 or 1520. Martin, Domingo - Married a Spanish woman. Made a provincial magistrate. Martin, Esteban - From: Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Martin, Gines - Settled in Panuco. Brother to Maya Martin. Martin, Gonzalo - It is known only that he came to Mexico from Cuba and was a Conquistador of Mexico. Martin, Hernando - From: Palos, Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Settled in Mexico City and married. Blacksmith by trade. Hernando died circa 1543. Martin, Juan - There were 2 with this name. One was Juan Martin de Rivera. Grandsons: Juan, Martin, Cristobal, and Pedro de Rivera, Another was Juan Martin de Salanueva. Son: Xptobal Luzero. Martin, Lazaro - From: Sevilla. Parents: Fernan Juarez de Casarabaza and Leonor Jimenez. Came to Mexico under the authority of Francisco Garay (Gov. of Jamaica) in 1520. Settled in Panuco. Died in 1547. Martin, Luis - Sons: Francisco Martin and Ruy Diaz de Mendoza. Martin, Maya - Settled in Panuco. Brother to Gines Martin. Martin de Alperdrino, Alonso - From: Portugal. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Martin Camacho, Cristoval - From: Huelva. Came to Mexico under the authority of Francisco Garay (Gov. of Jamaica) in 1520. Wife was Catalina Martin and had a son born in Huelva Spain by the name of Cristoval Martin. This family settled in Puebla. Martin de Coria, Pedro - Probably settled in Antequera. Died in 1525. Martin Jaca, Alonso - Settled in Mexico City. A son in law was Diego Mendez. Martin de Lieva, Cristoval - From: Huelva. In Cuba in 1517, to Mexico with Grijalva in 1518 and again with Cortes in 1519. Conquistador also of Panuco and Michoacan. Married an Indian woman and settled in Puebla. On records there til 1554. Martin Millan de Gamboa, Cristobal - Settled in Mexico City. Married Maria Coronado. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Genealogical reference on Cristobal Martin Millan de Gamboa. Martin de Villanueva, Juan - From: Aljarafe de Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Martin Vizcaino, Francisco - From: Vizcaya. In Cuba in 1519 and to Mexico in 1519. Settled in the Mexican state of Chiapas and is found on the records of Mexico in 1529. Martin de Zafra, Cristoval - From: Zafra, Badajoz. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Martinez, Joan - son of Diego Navalperal and Catalina Lopez. Settled in Oaxaca. Martinez de Billoria, Juan - Settled in Mexico City. Son: Juan de Billoria. Grandson: Gaspar de Billoria Calderon. Granddaughter married: Manuel de Cepeda. Martinez de Fregenal, Juan - From: Fregenal de la Sierra, Badajoz. "El Mozo" Came to Mexico with Cortes. Martinez de Gallegos, Juan - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Mata, Alonso - a notary from Quintana Rico. Came over with Narvaez. Tried to arrest Cortes so he was arrested himself and detain for several days. Grandsons: Diego Perez de los Rios (married the granddaughter of another Conquistador), Pedro de los Rios and Alonso de Mata. Maya, Pedro de - First settled in Mexico City then Antequera. Granddaughters married Juan Delgado Sereceda and Alonso de Paz. Medel, Francisco - From: Palos, Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Participated in the conquest of Guatamala in 1524. Medel, Hernando - Settled in Mexico City. Sent for his wife in Palos, Spain. Medina, Francisco - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Medina, Juan de - There were 2 with this name. One initially settled in Mexico City then Santisteban del Puerto, Panuco. His parents being Juan de Medina and Catalina Diaz. He married Juana Clavijo. Mejia, Francisco - Came to Mexico with Cortes as a leader of the artillery. Settled in Mexico City. Mendez de Sotomayor, Fernando - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Settled in Guatamala. Mendez de Sotomayor, Juan - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Mendoza, Alonso - Born in the same town as Cortes, Medellin. Parents: Alvaro de Mendoza and Catalina Lopez. He was a lieutenant governor of Panuco under Cortes. Married one of the daughters of the conquistador Leonel de Cervantes. Meneses, Pedro de - From: Toledo. Settled in Puebla and was married with 8 children. A grandson is listed as don Rodrigo de Meneses. Two of his sons are listed as Pedro Bermudez de Meneses and Cristobal de Soto. Grandsons: Pedro and Alonso Bermudez and Nicolas de Loya. Granddaughters married: Alvaro de Castilla and Felipe de la Cueva. Great grandson: don Sancho Sanchez de Munon. Great granddaughters married: don Lope Ceron and Geronimo de Duenas. Merida, Antonio de - From: Merida, Badajoz. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Merida, Garcia de - From: Merida, Badajoz. Married Ines Hidalgo. Died ' in Panuco Mx by 1547. Mesa, Francisco - At one point Cortes had given command of the artillery to Mesa because he had some experience as an engineer in the wars in Italy. Married Ines de Herrera, 7 children. Daughter married Geronimo Lopez. Daughter Ana married Alonso Gomez Hidalgo. Mesta, Alonso - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Listed as being killed by the Indians. Mexia (Mejia), Gonzalo - Shipwreaked in Cuba in 1505. Only survivor of 26 at the hands of the Indians. A captive for several years. Mezquita, Martin de - Parents: Juan de la Mezquita and Catalina Munoz. Settled in Oaxaca with a Spanish wife. Son: Francisco de la Mezquita. Son in laws: Lucas Ortiz de Villavicencio and Baltasar de Canseco. Miguel, Esteban - Settled in Mexico City. Parents: Juan Martin Granado and Juana del Ingenio. Married a woman from Spain. Owned several mines. Miguel de Salamanca, Francisco - From: Salamanca. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Settled in Mexico City. Mino, Rodrigo de - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Miranda, Francisco de - Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Mola, Andres de - From: Levante. Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Mola, Diego de - From: Levante. Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Molina, Antonio de - Wife stayed in Spain. Monjaraz, Andres de - A Basque and a Captain in the battle to re-take Mexico City. Settled in Mexico City. Brother to Gregorio. Monjaraz, Gregorio de - Settled in Mexico City. Married and had sons by the names of Mateo and Geronimo de Monjarez. Grandsons Gregorio and Mateo de Monjarez. Monjaraz, Martin Ruiz de - His nephews were fellow conquistadors Gregorio and Andres Monjaraz. Parents: Martin de Zamallua and dona Maria Ruiz de Monjaraz. Settled in Colima and was married with 5 children. Daughter: Isabel de Monjaraz. Monje, Martin de - Parents: Alonso Gutierrez de Leon and Ines Alonso Monje. He was married and had at least 3 daughters and a son by the name of Martin Monje de Leon. Montalvo, Alonso de - Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Son: Diego de Montalvo. Grandsons: Gaspar Pacheco de Leon, Juan de Montalvo, Francisco de Montalvo Francisco de Leon and Diego de Montalvo. Montanes, Pedro - From: Santander (Providence). Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. On the records of Mexico in 1525 (not traceable thereafter). Montano, Francisco de - From: Cuidad Rodrigo, Salamanca. Originally came to Mexico with Narvaez. Volenteered to climb to the rim of the crater Popocatepetl (an active volcano which most of the conquistadors had never known of the existence of volcanos) and have himself lowered by chain to find sulfer for gunpowder. He was a lieutenant to Gutierre de Badajoz, who in turn commanded a company under Pedro de Alvarado. Parents: Francisco Lopez and Elvira Montano. Married and had 9 sons and 4 daughters. Awarded a coat of arms in 1540. Son: Pedro Montano. Son in laws: Juan de Luna and Geronimo Tria. Grandsons: Gaspar and Francisco Tria. Montejo, Francisco - From: Salamanca. and a Hidalgo (minor member of the nobility). A captain under Grijalva before joining Cortes. He was awarded a coat of arms. After the conquest he received the town of Azcapotzalco. In 1526 he received permission from the King to conquer the Yucatan. He went on to become this region's first governor. Married Beatriz Alvarez de Herrera. He had at least 1 daughter and a natural son also named Francisco. Grandson: don Juan Maldonado de Montejo. Monterroso, Blas de - Settled in Mexico City. Married and had at least 1 daughter and 1 natural daughter. Wife: Francisca de Xexa. Montes Alcantara, Juan - From: Alcantara, Caceres. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Mora, Alonso de - From: Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca. Parents: Alonso de Mora and Ana de Paz. To Santo Domingo in 1514 and in Cuba in 1518 and came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Morales, Francisco - Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Morales, Juan de - Parents: Diego Morales de la Orden and Ana de Morales. Settled in Mexico City after going to Spain to marry Ana de Aguero. They had no children. Morales, Miguel de - From: Merida, Badajoz. Called "Padre". Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Married Elvira Gutierrez. Morante, Cristoval de - Died on his way to Mexico. He was captain of one of Narvaez' ships that went down before reaching Mexico. Morcillo, Alonso de - Probably settled in Antequera. Married Catalina Garcia but had no children. Morcillo, Francisco de - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. On Mexican records til 1526 (no record of him anywhere thereafter). Morejon de Lobera, Rodrigo - Born in Medina del Campo. Came to Mexico as Captain of a small vessel with 6 crossbowman, 8 soldiers and a mare (horses were instrumental in the conquest). Moreno, Diego - From: Sevilla. Parents: Alonso Moreno and Elvira Fernandez. Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Moreno, Isidro - Parents: Alonso Moreno de Morillas and Catalina Indo. Settled in Utlatlan. He and his wife had 3 sons and 2 daughters. Moreno, Juan - Married Catalina Rodriguez. Moreno, Pedro - From: Salamanca. Parents: Pedro Guillen and Juana Moreno. Settled in Chiapas, Mx. Moreno Cendejas, Pedro - Parents: Anton Moreno and Catalina Alvarez. Served in entradas into Guatamala and Panuco. He then settled in Mexico City. He married and had 2 sons and acknowledged a natural son and daughter. Grandsons: Alonso Moreno, Francisco de Orozco, Luis de Cisneros, Juan Antonio Baldovinos, Pedro de Carvajal and El bachiller Ontiveros. Granddaughters married: Francisco de Garfias and Garci Alvarez Guillen. Moreno de Medrano, Pedro - Was known to be a brave soldier by fellow conquistador Bernal Diaz. During the battle to re-take Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) he took over gunnery duty after the artillery men under the Capt. Pedro de Alvarado were either killed or wounded. Settled in Veracruz then Puebla. Moreno de Najera, Pedro - Married an Indian woman. Had children. Raised livestock. Moreno de Zaragosa, Pedro - From: Torrehermosa, Zaragosa. Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Conqueror of Panuco (Mx) and Guatamala. Alive in 1547. Married a Spanish woman. Moria, Francisco de - This is probably Francisco de Morla. Francisco along with an estimated 825 Conquistadors died in the battle known as "Notche Triste" (sad night). As the Conquistadors were retreating Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) in the rain and fog the Mexica cut off thier escape route. Hundreds found themselves trapped and turned back to the palace where they were killed. About 425 Conquistadors survived this battle. Cortes later received reinforcements and conquered Tenochtitlan. Moron, Alonso - From: Moron, Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Also known as "Musico". Settled in Colima or Zacatula. Moscoso, Sabastian - Settled in Mexico City. Married an indian noblewoman. They had 2 daughters and a son by the name of Juan who in turn had a son by the name of Sabastian de Moscoso. Motrico, Diego de - Settled in Mexico City with his wife the former Isabel Munoz (from Seville). No children are documented. Muniz, Fernando - Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Muniz, Gregorio - Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Munoz, Juan - Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Najera Batihoja, Juan de - Lost an ear and was deafened in the battle to take Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). Parents: Juan Gaeta de Leiva and Catalina de Leiva. Juan married twice and had a total of 6 sons and 4 daughters. 3 sons went to Peru and 1 son accompanied his father in the Mixtec war of 1541 under the Viceroy, Mendoza. His second wife Juana Clavijo, was the widow of fellow conqueror Juan de Medina. Napolitano, Luis - From: Modern day Italy (excluding Genoa). Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Settled in Texcoco and on a testimonial in Mexico City in 1528. Narvaez, Panfilo - Born in Navalmanzano. Led an expedition to Mexico after Cortes. Established a town called San Salvador on the present site of Vera Cruz. Surrendered to Cortes at which time almost all of his men joined forces with Cortes. Led another expedition to Florida to find the fountain of youth but it was said he died a horrible death. Biography of Panfilo Narvaez. Navarette, Alonso - A witness to Montezuma agreeing to become a vassal of the King of Castile. Settled near Valles. He did not marry. Navarro, Juan - There were 4 by the name of Juan Navarro. There was one each from Navarre, Sanguesta, Sevilla and Aragon. Juan Navarro from Navarre was Basque. He went to Santo Domingo in 1514; Cuba in 1519 and Mexico with Narvaez and later joined Cortes. Had a son Juan Navarro the younger born in 1533. The younger was one of the original settlers of San Martin, New Vizcaya (Durango, Mx) in 1556, where he put in the first ore-crushing mill. Also helped found Saltillo in 1577 and was married to Dona Maria Rodriguez. Juan Navarro from Aragon served as a crossbowman. His father was Nicholas Navarro. He and his wife settled in Puebla with their 2 daughters. He also took part in the Coronado Expedition. Niebla, Fernando - From: Niebla, Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Nieto, Gomez - Settled in Panuco. Nieto, Pedro - Settled in Mexico City. Had at least one son by the name of Francisco Nieto Maldonado. Nortes, Alonso - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Settled in Puebla. Married a woman from Spain. Granddaughter married: Diego Gomez. Great Grandsons: Juan Gomez, Diego Ortiz de Sosa and Alonso de Sosa. Great Granddaughter married: Diego Garcia. Nunez. Andres - From: Salamanca. Came to Mexico with Alonso Alvarez de Pineda who came on behalf of the Govenor of Jamaica Francisco de Garay. He was part of a party waved ashore by Cortes' men and arrested when an attempt was made to have Cortes sign a document sharing Mexico with de Garay. Pineda eventually sailed away and Andres Nunez joined Cortes. He was a carpenter by trade. Settled in Mexico City with his wife and daughters. A daughter married fellow Conquistador Gonzalo Portillo. Nunez Gallego, Joan - Married Maria de Torquemada. A daughter married Cristobal de la Puebla. Settled in Antequera. Nunez Mancheno, Cerrana - From: Sevilla. Father: Pedro Nunez Macheno. Came to Mexico with her husband Bartolome Porras under the command of Panfilo Narvaez. After she was widowed she married the Conquistador Pedro de Valenciano Garao. She had 2 married granddaughters and was widowed again in 1547. Had settled in Mexico City. Nunez Mercado, Juan - From: Salamanca. Was one of Cortes' pages during the conquest. Settled in Puebla. Grandsons: Luis and Hernando Nunez Centeno, Diego Torres, Juan Rodriguez de Nonbela and Sebastian Rodriguez. Granddaughter married: Gaspar de Contreras. Son in law: Juan Rodriguez de Nonbela. From a natural son Cristobal Nunez there were these grandsons: Diego and Joaquin Nunez Mercado. Nunez Sedeno, Juan - Merchant from Madrid. Had his ship carrying provisions pirated by Cortes off the coast of Cuba in preparation for Cortes' voyage to Mexico. He then decided to join Cortes. The richest man in Cortes' army. Settled in Oaxaca. Married with 4 children. Son in law: Alonso Calvo. Nunez Trejo, Diego - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Oblanco, Gonzalo - Came to Mexico with Narvaez in 1520. Ocampo, Diego - From: Trujillo, Caceres. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Settled in Veracruz in 1522 and elsewhere thereafter. On records till 1529. Worked for Cortes. Daughters married Juan Velazquez, Cristobal de Tejadillo and Ramiro Arellano. Ocampo, Gonzalo de - Grandson: Sebastian de Saavedra. Granddaughter married: Alonso de Contreras y Guevara (lived in Guatamala). Great grandsons: don Fernando Arias Saavedra and don Nicolas de Ocampo Saavedra. Great granddaughter married Juan de Espinosa a writer. Ocana, Alonso de - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Writer in Mexico in 1527. Related to Diego Ocana who was in Mexico in 1525. Ocana, Francisco - From: Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Ocana, Pedro - From: Ocana, Toledo. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Ochoa de Lexalde, Juan - Basque, born in 1490 the son of Martin de Laxalde and Maria de Belitequi. Reached Santo Domingo in 1508, paticipated in the conquest of Puerto Rico in 1509 and arrived in Cuba in 1511. Went to Mexico with Narvaez and joined Cortes in 1520. Went back to Cuba in 1524; then in 1533 he signed on with Cortes' expedition to Lower California. He owned property in Mexico City and was an alderman in Puebla, living with his wife Dona Catalina Fernandez Endrino in 1554. They had 4 sons and 3 daughters. Received a coat of arms dated the 9th of Nov. 1546. Grandsons: don Juan Ochoa de Lejalde and don Baltasar Ochoa (married the granddaughter of another conquistador). Granddaughter married: Baltasar de Salazar. Ojeda, Alonso - From: Badajoz. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Ojeda, Alonso (El Viejo) - Helped train the Tlaxcalan allies in Spanish warfare, in anticipation of an attack on Montezuma. Lost an eye in the battle to re-take Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). Parents: Alonso Hernandez de Ojeda and Leonor Perez. Was alcalde of Villa Alta. Alonso was married with 6 children. Son: Pedro de Ojeda Natural Son: Juan de Ojeda Son in Laws: Juan Ceberino and Alonso Delgado. Grandsons: Bartolome Palomeque, Diego Palomeque, Alonso de Ojeda, and another Alonso de Ojeda. Olea, Cristoval - Saved the life of Cortes at Xochimilco, rescuing him as he was being dragged from his horse "El Romo" by the Mexica (Aztecs). Died as a result. Olid, Cristoval de - A Andalusian native of either Baeza or Linares although the family probably came from Olite in Navarre originally. A Captain in Cortes' army. Married a Tlaxcalan girl. The Tlaxcalan's were allies against Montezuma. Oliveros, Francisco de - Falconer in Cortes' army. From: Lisbon, Portugal. Settled in Puebla. Married with 6 children. Son in laws: Andres de la Parra, Macario de Anzures and Hernando de Chavez. Grandsons: Sebastian Munoz, Nicolas Basurto, Pedro Munoz, Nicolas Munoz, Francisco Basurto, Diego Basurto and Parra de Oliveros. Great grandsons: Juan Munoz, Francisco Munoz, Hernando de Chavez. Great Granddaughter married: Pedro de Torres. Olmedo, Bartolome - A Friar, he tried to convert Montezuma on his death bed but he refused also refusing food and medical help. It was learned later that Montezuma had hid away the image of the Virgin Mary for safe keeping during the fall of Tenochtitlan. The conquistadors had been using the image for mass. When Montezuma died Cortes, his captains and his men all wept according to Bernal Diaz's account. Olvera, Diego de - Settled in Mexico City. Married Juana Ruiz and had 3 sons and 4 daughters. Son: Manuel de Olvera. Son in law: don Pedro Barba Coronado. Grandsons: Luis de Olvera, Diego de Olvera, Hernando de Olvera, Miguel Verdugo, Rodrigo de Becoq. Olvera, Martin - Utrera, Sevilla. Came to Mexico under the authority of Francisco Garay (Gov. of Jamaica) in 1520. He piloted a ship of Garay's. Ona, Pedro de - From: Ona, Burgos. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Ordaz, Diego - He believed as did the others that the homes (flat roofs, walled or fenced, gardens, large courtyards, many rooms, built of stucco or lime plaster) of the Mexica were superior to the homes of Spain. Left his wealth to a nephew Diego de Ordaz Villagomez upon his death. He was granted a coat of arms with the volcano Popocatepetl which his nephew beared in the town of Puebla. He and 2 others were the first conquistadors to scale the volcano. His nephew had a son, Antonio de Ordaz who married dona Maria Galarza, the daughter of Cristobal de Onate and dona Catalina de Salazar. Pedro was a cousin of the conquistador Cristobal Flores and an Uncle of Francisco Verdugo. Pedro was described as being of good height with a strong face and short black beard. Slight speech problem (stammer). Much is written about him in Hugh Thomas' "Whos Who of the Conquistadors". Diego received the Order of Santiago . Ordaz, Pedro - From Castroverde de Campos in Leon. His mother was a Giron (considered to be a grand family). Was part of the conquest of Cuba along with his brother Diego. Resident of Puebla. Killed in the Bahamas by the Indians there. After which his natural son Alvaro was looked after by Pedro's brother Diego. A son, also Pedro de Ordaz was part of the conquest of the Yucatan. Orduna, Francisco - A notary. Parents: Juan Lopez de Barriaga and Inez de Valasco. Settled in Puebla. Brought his wife and 7 children to Mexico. After his wife died he married Catalina Velez Rascona. They had 4 additional children together. One daughter married fellow Conquistador Francisco de Santa Cruz. Another daughter married fellow Conquistador Jeronimo de la Mota Ruiz. Yet another daughter married fellow Conquistador Pedro de Solis. Son: Francisco de Orduna. Grandsons: don Francisco and don Diego Orduna and Pedro Sarmiento. Had over 40 grandchildren in all. Orduna, Pedro de - From: Orduna, Vizcaya. Parents: Juan and Maria Orduna. Came to the Indies in 1513 with his brother Juan de Orduna. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Orozco, Francisco - There were two with this name. One had been captain of artillery in wars in Italy. Was ordered by Cortes to settle Oaxaca after the conquest. Ortega, Juan de - Was given the town of Tepotzotlan to administer after the conquest. He left no heirs. Ortiz, Cristoval - There were 2 with this name. One was Cristoval Ortiz from: Zalamea de la Serena, Badajoz. Father: Fernando Ortiz. Settled in Chile from 1555 to 1557. Ortiz de Zuniga, Alonso - Served as captain of the crossbowman during the capture of Tenochtitlan. Settled in Mexico City with a wife and 4 children and 3 natural children. Had a son and grandson with the same name. Son: Sancho Ortiz de Zuniga Son in Law: Gaspar de Trejo Grandson: Alonso Ortiz de Zuniga Great Grandson: don Alonso de Zuniga (his mother was the granddaughter of the Captain, Badajoz). Ortiz, Juan - Settled in Puebla. He had a mestiza daughter and another daughter married to Jeronimo Genoves. Osorio, (?) - From: Old Castile. Known as a "Good Soldier". Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Oviedo, Bernardo - From: Oviedo, Asturias. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Took part in the conquest of Guatamala and settled there in 1524. Pacheco, Cristobal - Settled in Mexico City. Married and had a daughter, Beatriz Pacheco de Escobar. Padilla, Fernando de - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Pantoja, Juan - Parents: Pedro Pantoja and Catalina Rodriguez. Settled in Ciudad Michoacan. Married and the father of 6 daughters and 2 sons. Son in law: Francisco Magdaleno. Grandson: Juan Pantoja. Pardo, Julian - From: Caceres. In Cuba in 1517 and to Mexico with Narvaez. After the conquest he was given land in Chiapas Mx. to administer. Paredes, Bernal de - He was a provincial magistrate. Had a wife in Spain. Payo, Lorenzo - Settled in Mexico City. He married Marina Rodriguez. They had at least 1 daughter. Grandsons: Martin and Valentin de Jaso. Granddaughters married: Pedro Infante Samaniego and don Pedro de Acuna. Great Grandson: don Juan de Jaso. Great Granddaughter married: Gaspar Juarez. Paz, Pedro de - A cousin of Cortes. Came to Mexico with him in 1519. Pedraza, Diego de - Surgeon by trade. From: Pedraza, Segovia. Parents: Hernan Perez de Tiedra and Catalina Sepulveda. Married Ana Hernandez and they had 12 children. Received a coat of arms dated the 28th of January 1541. Pedro, Maestro - played the harp. Died a natural death. Pena, Rodrigo de la - Parents: Juan de Pena and Catalina de Miranda. Probably settled in Antequera. He was married had a daughter. Penaflor, Alonso - From: Penaflor, Sevilla. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Penalosa, Francisco de - From: Segovia. Arrived in Mexico with Grijalva as a royal inspector of the expedition. Penate, (?) - From: Gilbraleon, Huelva. Mariner by trade. Came to Mexico with his brother Alonso Penate under the command of Cortes. Penate, Alonso - From: Gilbraleon, Huelva. Mariner by trade. Came to Mexico with his brother under the command of Cortes. Perales, Bartolome de - Married Mari Jimenez and had 3 children. A namesake son married Maria de Saldana. Perez, Alonso - There were 2 with this name. There was one from Huelva. Parents: Fernando de Trigueros and Ines Sanchez. He was married and had 5 daughters and 8 sons. Brought many of his relatives to Mexico after the conquest. His oldest son Alonso took part in the Coronado Expedition. Grandson: Alonso Perez Bocanegra Granddaughter Married: Baltasar de la Camara Great Grandsons: don Alonso Bocanegra, don Luis Bocanegra and don Juan de la Camara. Natural Great Grandson: Marcos Mejia Another Conquistador with this name was Alonso Perez de Zamora. Parents: Alvaro Perez and Catalina Dominguez. Came to Mexico with his father and brother Alvaro. His father was killed in the siege of Tenochtitlan. Settled in Mexico City with his wife and 11 children. Sons: Jorge Gonzalez, Luis de Zamora and Alvaro de Zamora Granddaughter Married: Andres Perez Melendez Perez, Alvaro - Parents: Alvaro Perez and Catalina Dominguez. Settled in Mexico City. Perez, Francisco - There were 2 with this name. Both came to Mexico with Narvaez. Perez, Martin - Married Juana Rodriguez prior to settling in Mexico. Perez de Arteaga, Juan - Parents: Anton Perez de Arteaga and Beatriz Perez. Settled in Puebla. Married twice. His first wife was Indian with whom he had 7 children. He then married the daughter of conqueror Francisco de Santa Cruz. A great grandson was Francisco de Arteaga Pecheco. Grandsons: Lucas de Carvajal, Juan de Carvajal Arteaga and Diego Roman. Granddaughters married: Juan Martin de Goyas, Gabriel Juarez and Antonio Pacheco. Great Grandsons: don Francisco de Arteaga Pacheco, Antonio Hidalgo Arteaga, Alonso Hidalgo and Juan Hidalgo de Arteaga. Perez de la Gama, Juan - Settled in Puebla then Mexico City. He eventually returned to Spain. While in Mexico he was married to the widow of a fellow conquistador. Perez de la Hiniesta, Juan - From: Hiniesta, Zamora. Parents: Alonso Tabuyo and Ines Rodriguez. Came to the Indies with Antonio and Rodrigo Tabuyo in 1512. Came to Mexico with Cortes in 1519. Perez de Herrera, Juan - Parents: Garci Hernandez and Elvira Hernandez de Herrera. His father and brother were fellow conquerors. Settled in Mexico City with his wife and 14 children. 4 were natural children. Son in law: Esteban Gutierrez de Peralta. Grandson: Juan Nunez de la Cerda. Peron (Peton) de Toledo, Pedro - From: Toledo. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Pilar, Garcia del - Settled in Mexico City. There is record of a natural daughter. Learned the Nahuatl language [language of the Mexica (Aztec)]. Participated in the conquest of Nueva Galicia with Nuno de Guzman. Garcia ended up testifying against Guzman. His account of the conquest with Guzman is documented in the book: "The Conquistadors First-Person Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico". Grandsons: Andres and Nicolas del Villar. Great grandson: Andres del Vilar. Pinto, Antonio - From: Uruena, Valladolid. Came to Mexico with his nephew Nuno Pinto under the command of Grijalva in 1518. Conquistador of Mexico in 1520. Had a nephew Juan Pinto (nuno's brother) that settled in Mexico in 1534. Pinto, Nuno - From: Uruena, Valladolid. Came to Mexico with his Uncle Antonio Pinto under the command of Grijalva in 1518. Conquistador of Mexico in 1520. Had a brother Juan Pinto that settled in Mexico in 1534. Pinzon, Gines - Settled in Colima. Married but had no children. Pinzon, Juan - Settled in Colima. Married Ginesa Lopez from Palos Spain. They had at least 1 son and 2 daughters. A daughter married a settler from Genoa, Jacome Rolando (settled in Panuco). Possibly related to Gines Pinzon who was also from Palos. The Pinzon family were active in the voyages of Columbus. Died in 1547. Participated in the conquests of Michoacan, Yopelcingos, Zacatula, Colima and Jalisco. Pizarro, Diego - From: Extremenos. Cousin of Cortes. The conqueror of Peru was a also a cousin of Cortes on his mothers side. Listed as killed by the Indians but doesn't state when. Note: there was a conqueror of Peru by the same name in 1540. Pizarro, Pablo - From: Extremenos. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Pablo along with an estimated 825 Conquistadors died in the battle known as "Notche Triste" (sad night). As the Conquistadors were retreating Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) in the rain and fog the Mexica cut off their escape route. Hundreds found themselves trapped and turned back to the palace where they were killed. About 425 Conquistadors survived this battle. Cortes later received reinforcements and conquered Tenochtitlan. Plaza, Juan de la - Settled in Zacatula. Polanco, Gaspar de - From: Avila. Parents: Francisco de Polanco and Ines Calderon. Came to the Indies in 1516. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Conquistador of Guatamala in 1523 and settled there. Returned to and settled in Mexico in 1526. Porcallo, Vasco - Diego Velazquez, the Govenor of Cuba financed in part Cortes' expedition to Mexico. Velazquez at one time considered Vasco Porcallo but thought Vasco might raise the fleet against him since he was considered to be a daring man. Settled in Mexico City. Married with at least one son Lorenzo Porcallo de Figueroa. Believed to have a namesake son. Son: Lorenzo Porcallo de la Cerda. Grandson: don Vasco Porcallo. Porras, Bartolome - From: Sevilla. Came to Cuba with his wife who was from Ecija. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Died in Mexico probably sometime after the conquest. Porras, Diego - From: Caceres Settled in Mexico City. Parents: Diego Martinez and Isabel Porras. Married with 4 daughters and 3 natural sons. Grandsons: Diego de Porras, Francisco de Villeriasa and El bachiller Diego de Porras. A natural grandson being Gaspar de Porras Olguin. Porras, Diego de - From: Sevilla. Parents: Diego de Ubeta and Catalina Martin de Porras. Came to the Indies with his friend Francisco de Ortega in 1513. After the conquest he settled in Antequera. Porras, Francisco de - Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Portillo, Francisco - Married Maria Ximenez from Spain. A Tailor. Resident of la Ciudad de Los Angeles. Granddaughter married: Juan Velazquez de la Cueva (from Valladolid, Spain). Grandson: Pedro Garces de Portillo. Portillo, Juan de - From: Old Castille. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Captain of a ship that attacked the Island City of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) during the reconquest in 1521. Portillo-Villacinda, Cindos - From: San Roman, Leon. Parents: Sebastian Portillo and Catalina Gomez. In Cuba in 1517 and to Mexico with Grijalva in 1518 and again with Cortes in 1519. Had administered lands in Mexico and died a Franciscan in Durango. Prado, Juan - From: Segovia. Parents: Salvador de Prado and Catalina Sanchez. Came to the Indies in 1513. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Quejada, Diego - Settled in Mexico City with a wife and daughter. Quesada, Bernardino - a notary from Baeza. Settled in Santiago Cuba and died in 1543. Quesada, Cristoval - From: Baeza. Came to Mexico with Narvaez. Quesada, Rodrigo - From: Baeza. In Cuba in 1518 and to Mexico with Cortes the following year. Quevedo, Francisco de - Settled in Mexico City. Married. Quinones, Antonio - From: Zamora. In Cuba in 1518 and to Mexico with Cortes the following year. Died on the voyage back to Spain just after the conquest in 1522. Stabbed to death in a quarrel over a girl in the Portuguese Azores. Quinones, Gaspar - Parents: Pedro de Valderrabano de Avila and dona Isabel de Quinones. A Hidalgo, minor member of nobility. Settled in Mexico City with a wife and 11 children (six daughters). Son: Melchor de Avila Quinones. Grandsons: Antonio de Saavedra, Rodrigo Ruiz Pardo, Juan Ruiz Pardo and Luis de Avila. Granddaughter married: don Gaspar de Benavides. Quintero, Alonso - From: Huelva. Pilot navagator by trade. Brought Cortes to Santo Domingo in 1504. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Brought Almagro to the coast of Chile in 1535. Quintero, Francisco - Settled in Mexico City then Peru in 1548. Quintero, Juan - From: Huelva. Came to Mexico with Cortes. Rich at one time then became a Franciscan.